Anyone up for a translation ?


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Hi taximania,
I don't know if you wanted only a Dutch translation, but I joined one into French.
Nevertheless, there are many people speaking French in the Netherlands.
I have not tried, to translate the text with a software translator, made some bad experiences.

Best regards


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Hi taximania
What do you mean with a swiss one, there is no real swiss language.
In my country there are 4 languages spoken:
- Swiss German which is a non written german dialect
- French
- Italian
- Romanch
Well I speak german, french and english, but even though german is my mother language, I feel now more comfortable in french, living for about 50 years in the french speaking part of the country.
I think that there are people on the forum able to translate your text to German better than I would do. If in next time there is nobody I will try it.

I just had a look at your website, I suggest that you unzip the french file, it's a Word file, I ziped it because of size limitations for Word files on the forum, 131kB zip, 157kB Word, the difference is not that big.

Just for fun, in the joined file, I have translated your text with Google into French and back into English.

Best regards


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I have tried both, Google and Babel, with your text.
The translations back to English are less funny than the French translations. Even with a lot of imagination they are almost not understandable.
But your text is a technical text and in these cases the software translators are really weak.
This reminds me some user's guides of consumer products I read.
For more standard text they are usefull.
I regulary look at the B4PPC Foreign Language Forums and translate the texts with Google. It is really much better and understandable than the translations of your text.
I know how difficult translations are, so I don't decry these software translators.
What I found with your text is, that the Google translator gave a much more realistic French translation than Babel did. But a few phrases were better translated by Babel than by Google.

Best regards


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I think that are people on the forum able to translate your text to German better than I would do.
Since I currently haven't got much spare time (even not for basic4ppc :() just wait until the end of next week and I'll provide a german version. :)



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Hello taximania,

here, as requested (by you) and announced (by me) ;)
a german translation of you site. :sign0060:



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Not sure if you had a dutch version already,
so if not, here you go

BTW, this translation is provided "as is"
I also cannot be held responsible for anything going wrong


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Thank you very much Mr Gee.

I've altered the declaration on my webpage to 'I or the translators' are not held responsible ;)

Tesheker Ederim
Dank u

I may not be bi-lingual, but if I visit a country, the least I can do is learn Please and thank you :)