I am ready to release a new app and am not sure what to choose regarding signing key:
Let Google generate an app signing key or, Choose your own app signing key.
[Use a different key] or [Use Google-generated],
If I choose [Use a different key], is that the one that I saved as a .keystore file?
Is this the recommended approach now, to choose our own keystore file before uploading our .aab bundle?
(in the past, I used my own keystore)
this may be a dumb question but I don't want to mess this up!
OK, I chose Let Google generate an app signing key then, uploaded my .aab.
Let Google generate an app signing key or, Choose your own app signing key.
[Use a different key] or [Use Google-generated],
If I choose [Use a different key], is that the one that I saved as a .keystore file?
Is this the recommended approach now, to choose our own keystore file before uploading our .aab bundle?
(in the past, I used my own keystore)
this may be a dumb question but I don't want to mess this up!
OK, I chose Let Google generate an app signing key then, uploaded my .aab.
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