Games App Crashed with running "skipping frame!!!" after Resume App


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I have attached here an example for showing this behavior that if the App gets Paused and Resumed the Screen freezes but the App code itself is running well.

This comes after the App is set to Paused and Resumed by pressing the button. After the 4th time (in this example) the run starts and the screen freezes.

Example attached, XUI2D library version.
Only the Button and its Click-Event is added to the example.

*** Service (starter) Create ***
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
Skipping tile set: images
Skipping tile set: chain
Type should be set to x2 ()
Loading objecttypes.json v0.98
TileMap: AABB: AABB[(0.0,0.0) . (18.6662,14.0)], Map Pixels (X) per Meter: 68.57, Map Pixels (Y) per Meter: 68.57
New graphic: ground.png_23.13x0.91
New graphic: tank0.png_2.92x1.71tank1.pngtank2.pngtank3.png
New graphic: kane.png_1.79x0.35
New graphic: box1.png_1.22x1.19
New graphic: blue_donut_7.png_0.47x0.47
*** MainLoop starting. ResumableIndex = 1
** Activity (main) Resume **
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Button pressed.
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Exiting for External
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
Sleep not resumed (context is paused): b4a.example.tank.x2utils$ResumableSub_MainLoop
** Activity (main) Resume **
*** MainLoop starting. ResumableIndex = 3
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Button pressed.
Exiting for External
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
Sleep not resumed (context is paused): b4a.example.tank.x2utils$ResumableSub_MainLoop
** Activity (main) Resume **
*** MainLoop starting. ResumableIndex = 5
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Deleting body: bullet, 20
Button pressed.
Exiting for External
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
Sleep not resumed (context is paused): b4a.example.tank.x2utils$ResumableSub_MainLoop
** Activity (main) Resume **
*** MainLoop starting. ResumableIndex = 7
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
Deleting body: bullet, 20
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
Deleting body: bullet, 20
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
Deleting body: bullet, 20
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
Deleting body: bullet, 20
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
Deleting body: bullet, 20
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
Deleting body: bullet, 20
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
Button pressed.
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
Deleting body: bullet, 20
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
Exiting for External
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
Sleep not resumed (context is paused): b4a.example.tank.x2utils$ResumableSub_MainLoop
** Activity (main) Resume **
*** MainLoop starting. ResumableIndex = 9
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
Deleting body: bullet, 20
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
Deleting body: bullet, 20
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
Deleting body: bullet, 20
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
skipping frame!!!
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = true **
Sleep not resumed (context is paused): b4a.example.tank.x2utils$ResumableSub_MainLoop


  • External
    89.2 KB · Views: 358
Last edited:


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examples pack?
Yes, unchanged directly from the downloaded zip. Just added the button to the Layout, dim of button and click event. The content of the click event is not important - just for haveing the pause/resume cycle.


Active Member
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Longtime User
Thanks for it, but is some cases I am getting a lot of Cache Trims:

Trim Cache
Before: 31473816
After: 31005400
Trim Cache
Before: 31473144
After: 31005400
Trim Cache
Before: 31476032
After: 31005400
Trim Cache
Before: 31475728
After: 31005400
Trim Cache
Before: 31475688
After: 31005400
Trim Cache
Before: 31475744
After: 31005400
Trim Cache
Before: 31476364
After: 31005400
Trim Cache
Before: 31476528
After: 31005400
Trim Cache
Before: 31476364
After: 31005400
Trim Cache
Before: 31475744
After: 31005400
Trim Cache
Before: 31475688
After: 31005400
Trim Cache
Before: 31475728
After: 31005400
Trim Cache
Before: 31476032
After: 31005400
Trim Cache
Before: 31473144
After: 31005400
*** MainLoop starting. ResumableIndex = 10
skipping frame!!!


Active Member
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Longtime User
Ok, then I have to check why the cache is so blown.