Android Question App starting from service


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One of customers complaining app starting up every 30 minutes. I have not able to duplicate it. Is there any flaws in the code below which can startup the Main?
Sub Service_Create

    Service.AutomaticForegroundMode = Service.AUTOMATIC_FOREGROUND_NEVER 'we are handling it ourselves

    tmrTrip.Initialize("tmrTrip", 500)                         'every 500 milliseconds   
    tmrTripSaveData.Initialize("tmrTripSaveData", 60000)     '1 minutes
    StateManager.LoadStateTrip                'load these
    StateManager.LoadStateMaintenance        'load these at first startup
    StateManager.LoadStateSpeedLimiter        'load speed limiter value
    Starter.pws.PartialLock                    'Important so it will not CPU Sleep

    TripIcon1 = LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "tripicon.png", 24dip, 24dip, True)
    TripIcon2 = LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "mainicon.png", 24dip, 24dip, True)

End Sub
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
    StartServiceAt(Me, DateTime.Now + 30 * DateTime.TicksPerMinute, True) '30 minutes

    If StateManager.blnUseGPS = True Then
        Log("Timer and Notification turned on in START..")
        Service.StartForeground(1, CreateNotification("..."))
        CallCreateNotification("...", "")
    End If
    'not used.  used for tracking buttons in notification
'    If StartingIntent.IsInitialized Then
'        Log(StartingIntent.Action)
'    End If
End Sub

Sub CheckPreferenceState
        Dim m1 As Map
        'file exists then get value
        If File.Exists(File.DirInternal, Starter.PrefFile) = True Then
            m1 = File.ReadMap(File.DirInternal, Starter.PrefFile)
            Dim WhatValue As String = m1.Get("prefUseGPS")
            Dim WhatisMph As String = m1.get("MphUnit")
            Dim WhatACCharger As String = m1.Get("prefACCharger")
            Dim WhatBatterySaveMode As String = m1.Get("prefBatterySaveMode")
            Dim WhatBatterySaveModeTime As String = m1.Get("prefBatterySaveModeTime")
            Dim WhatSpeedDecimal As String = m1.Get("GPSSpeedDecimal")
            Dim WhatMphGPS As String = m1.Get("MphUnitGPS")
            If WhatValue = "null" Or WhatValue = "" Then 'Use Gps
                StateManager.blnUseGPS = True    'default if null
                StateManager.blnUseGPS = WhatValue
            End If
            If WhatBatterySaveMode = "null" Then 'Battery Save Mode
                StateManager.blnBatterySaveModeTrip = True    'default if null
                StateManager.blnBatterySaveModeTrip = WhatBatterySaveMode
            End If
            If WhatBatterySaveModeTime = "null" Then 'Battery Save Mode Time
                StateManager.intBatterySaveModeCheckTime = 120    'default if null
                StateManager.intBatterySaveModeCheckTime = WhatBatterySaveModeTime
            End If
            If WhatACCharger = "null" Then    'Charger Type Mode
                StateManager.blnACChargerPluggedIn = False    'default if null
                StateManager.blnACChargerPluggedIn = WhatACCharger
            End If
            If WhatisMph = "null" Then     'Mph or Km/h
                StateManager.isMph = False    'default if null
                StateManager.isMph = WhatisMph
            End If
            If WhatSpeedDecimal = "null" Then '(speed # decimals to show)
                StateManager.GPSSpeedDecimal = 0    'default if null
                StateManager.GPSSpeedDecimal = WhatSpeedDecimal
            End If
            If WhatMphGPS = "null" Then    '(feet or meters)
                StateManager.isMphGps = False    'default if null
                StateManager.isMphGps = WhatMphGPS
            End If
'            Log("USE GPS: " & StateManager.blnUseGPS)
'            Log("Battery Save Mode: " & StateManager.blnBatterySaveModeTrip)
'            Log("Battery Save Mode Time: " & StateManager.intBatterySaveModeCheckTime)
'            Log("Plugged In: " & StateManager.blnACChargerPluggedIn)
'            Log("MPH: " & StateManager.isMph)
'            Log("Decimal: " & StateManager.GPSSpeedDecimal)
'            Log("GPS Feet: " & StateManager.isMphGps)
        'file does not exist then set default to true
            StateManager.blnUseGPS = True
            StateManager.isMph = False
            StateManager.blnACChargerPluggedIn = False
            StateManager.blnBatterySaveModeTrip = True
            StateManager.intBatterySaveModeCheckTime = 120
            StateManager.GPSSpeedDecimal = 0
            StateManager.isMphGps = False
        End If
        StateManager.blnUseGPS = True
        StateManager.isMph = False
        StateManager.blnACChargerPluggedIn = False
        StateManager.blnBatterySaveModeTrip = True
        StateManager.intBatterySaveModeCheckTime = 120
        StateManager.GPSSpeedDecimal = 0
        StateManager.isMphGps = False
    End Try
End Sub


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Sub TurnOnTmrTrip
    If tmrTrip.Enabled = False Then
        startTime = DateTime.Now ' do not use firstReset boolean
        Log("Turn Timer ON")
        tmrTrip.Enabled = True
    End If
End Sub

The customer may be clicking on the notification which causes the app to start. His first email "but every half hour or so, it starts up automatically, and puts a persistent notification in my status" and His last reply "My objection is having to dismiss a notification ever half hour". I just emailed him for clarification with the app starting.

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