Android Question application communicate

Tata Mapassa

Active Member
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Longtime User
Good evening,
Do you know how to make an application communicate in real time with two users? Example, I modify a date, the second user sees the date change automatically;
thank you


Licensed User
Longtime User
Good evening,
Do you know how to make an application communicate in real time with two users? Example, I modify a date, the second user sees the date change automatically;
thank you
There are serval ways you can go about doing this, are you looking for someone to give you the whole code, or do you already have something that you've started and meed help with?

Just at the top of my head, you could probably use FireBase messaging for this?

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Tata Mapassa

Active Member
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Longtime User
Thank you for your reply. I do not know Firebase messaging and I do not have any code. I'm starting from nothing. If you have code I am a taker.
Thank you
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It also depends on whether the 2 users are located on the same local network. If they are you could use sockets & UDP or TCP messages. You *can* use UDP/TCP over a WAN, but it becomes a lot more complicated & you'd probably need to set up a B4J server on a machine with a static WAN IP address.

FCM would probably be a better way to go: FirebaseNotifications - Push messages / Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

- Colin.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you for your reply. I do not know Firebase messaging and I do not have any code. I'm starting from nothing. If you have code I am a taker.
Thank you
you can do a search in the search bar for FireBase Messaging

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Licensed User
Longtime User
I do not know Firebase messaging and I do not have any code. I'm starting from nothing. If you have code I am a taker.
Even a taker or questioner should always be a searcher first!

Use the forumsearearch for FirebaseMessaging and i´m sure you´ll quickly find the right tutorial.
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