my application use 55 Kb , 10% that are 10% of the memory.
now i have the following phenomenon:
in the AppStart this lines of Code makes trouble:
everytime the value for ProjektCode and Lastcode are the same !!!!
But this is not possible while the declaration of projektcode is AFTER reading the eeprom.value.
The value in the eeprom is definitiv not 2222!!
The same when reading another adress or changing the value.
The rest of the application seems work correctly.
When i put this codelines in a shorter projekt with the same board it works fine.
( in another case with arduino ide i have had in the past a similar problem ( some pins suddenly don't work)
Has someone an idea how to solve the problem ??
Thanks for all hints.
my application use 55 Kb , 10% that are 10% of the memory.
now i have the following phenomenon:
in the AppStart this lines of Code makes trouble:
' Lesen der Einstellungen vom EEprom
Dim LastCode As Int = DS3231.EepromReadInt(0)
Dim ProjektCode As Int = 2222
Log("Projektcode=",ProjektCode," Read:",LastCode)
everytime the value for ProjektCode and Lastcode are the same !!!!
But this is not possible while the declaration of projektcode is AFTER reading the eeprom.value.
The value in the eeprom is definitiv not 2222!!
The same when reading another adress or changing the value.
The rest of the application seems work correctly.
When i put this codelines in a shorter projekt with the same board it works fine.
( in another case with arduino ide i have had in the past a similar problem ( some pins suddenly don't work)
Has someone an idea how to solve the problem ??
Thanks for all hints.