B4J Question ARM technology insteads ofx86inthefuture.


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ARM technology insteads ofx86 in the future.Is it impacted about B4J?


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my best guess is that almost none. we work with java and java is a layer over those architectures. right now our work can compile and be used in a raspberry that uses ARM too.

unless of course you are using complex libraries like JNI
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my best guess is that almost none. we work with java and java is a layer over those architectures. right now our work can compile and be used in a raspberry that uses ARM too.

unless of course you are using complex libraries like JNI
My target is Erel's products ,isn't app.
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B4A, B4i, B4J, B4R run on Windows 64 bit. So what is the concern?
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My target is Erel's products ,isn't app.
on that matter, i dont think you will see a rampage of ARM windows laptops all over. Microsoft tried them with some ugly surface and discontinued it in a short time. The same applies to the IDE's. they work over the layer NET FRAMEWORK. if this one or its succesor NET CORE are ported to ARM we will have B4x products on ARM.
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Is it impacted about B4J?
Currently, as long as you have Java support, very little. Sometimes the Java ports to ARM may need a little tweaking on the B4J side (i've seen a couple of comments/posts on this in regards to Java/JavaFX on Raspberry Pi). Also, most Android phones use ARM chips and the products produced with B4A just run fine. Worst case scenario: no Java on M1. Well, then @Erel can always fall back on producing Objective C code (as B4i does). So I'm not concerned at all.
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