B4x Focused VPS


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Longtime User
Hello everyone!
In the past few years i have been working with many people here in the forum with a wide range of projects yet all of them have in common that they need a server, sometimes for a simple JRDC2 and other times for a full fledged Jserver implementation.

Well today i am offering a solution: VPS with the simplicity of a Hosting; you no longer need to care for learning linux, command lines, SSLs, etc. Just focus on your big idea

What you get?
Managed Virtual Private Server
* MariaDB database
* Free SSL for your domain
* FTPS and SSH connections
* Instant deploy with B4J
* Daily Backups for DB
* access to your project logs
* 200 mbits/s, peak 1gbits/s, guaranteed 100 mbits/s
* Bandwidth: 32TB out, unlimited in
* ddos protection
* Alerts in case webapp is down within 15 seconds
* Customer service

What do i mean with Instant Deploys? i mean that when you set your project for "Release" it will be autodeployed to the server without having to do another step.

Please ask any questions you may have or send me a PM so we can discuss your requirements.

Enrique Gonzalez


Licensed User
Longtime User
So, about Hosting, are domains included somehow?
If not, will it be possible to associate a domain name?
What are the price ranges?


Licensed User
Longtime User
So, about Hosting, are domains included somehow?
They are not included, but i can lend you a subdomain of a couple of domains that i already have so you don't need to buy one.

If not, will it be possible to associate a domain name?
yes totally! if you have one, just point it to the IP that i will tell you and that's all you have to do, you will get an SSL for that domain for free.

What are the price ranges?
it depends on your needs but as today a basic JRDC2 project is 20 US dollars per month!


Licensed User
Longtime User
cpu, ram, hdd/ssd space, version of os, location ?
The most basic are shared instances with 4 cpu core 8gb ram, Ubuntu. I have some servers on USA and on Germany. All the storage is NVME starting from 5GB

But it really depends on the requirements of the client. I can provision all kinds of servers and in more countries.


Licensed User
Longtime User
So, what is your service more sharp ?
  1. Preparing VDS
  2. Linux admin monthly service if needs ?
  3. Providing some software that deploys a B4J .java release to the prepared VDS automatically ?
  4. Any interface to VPS to manually update some files by the project owner ?
  5. ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
  1. Preparing VDS
  2. Linux admin monthly service if needs ?
  3. Providing some software that deploys a B4J .java release to the prepared VDS automatically ?
Yes yes yes

Any interface to VPS to manually update some files by the project owner ?
Mostly. You have ftps and ssh

Also. SSL, Daily backups, customer service. service monitoring and alerting.

In short: you can focus on being a b4xdeveloper instead of having to be a Linux sysadmin