Remove View
The view gets "massaged" formatted processed if you will before assigning it to its final parent. During its construction it exists as a portion of a custom type... I had to remove it from this type that I am using as a holder for it before reassigning it to the parent Thanks you for all of your help.
Custom type { Panel with list of labels } lets call it <PanOfLbls>
In actual activity I use this custom type, with the panel now sized, and its list of labels all initialized to place them all into another custom type a list of the original custom type PanOfLbls. Lets call that <PanOfLblsList>
I iterate this list and place the controls onto a panel i have already sized for the activity and add that to the activity Phew !!!...
I simply remove them from the <PanOfLbls> Holder -- as I iterate through the list of them <PanOfLblsList> and re assign them to the real activity panel.
This may seem cumbersome or overkill to most but I needed some way to group these constructs as I format, structure and finally assign them to their final resting place in the activity .
Thanks again