I have this
in b4j. Async streams, as you noticed.
I'm trying to get that file as a background for an image view. I'm trying.
My app says:
class cast exception: strings can't be cast to android.graphics.bitmap.
I give up... If you can help a noob, superb.
If not, well.... Guess i'll look for other solutions...
I have this
Case "play"
Dim input As String = value
Log("play " & input)
File.WriteString(File.DirApp,"output.txt", input)
astreamO.WriteFile("screenStream", File.DirApp, "sS.jpg")
in b4j. Async streams, as you noticed.
I'm trying to get that file as a background for an image view. I'm trying.
My app says:
class cast exception: strings can't be cast to android.graphics.bitmap.
Select Key
Case "screenStream"
Dim bmp As Bitmap = Value
If not, well.... Guess i'll look for other solutions...