I want to keep an asyncstream open to my server (so my server can push a message when new data is available) (as in http://www.b4x.com/forum/basic4android-getting-started-tutorials/7669-asyncstreams-tutorial.html)
I know there is an Error event that will be called in case of a connection failure. But will this event *always* be called when anything is wrong with the connection ? Or should I provide something like a heartbeat mechanism ?
Thank you all !
I want to keep an asyncstream open to my server (so my server can push a message when new data is available) (as in http://www.b4x.com/forum/basic4android-getting-started-tutorials/7669-asyncstreams-tutorial.html)
I know there is an Error event that will be called in case of a connection failure. But will this event *always* be called when anything is wrong with the connection ? Or should I provide something like a heartbeat mechanism ?
Thank you all !