iOS Question Audio player for local streams


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In my app I generate .wav files from MIDI files and then play them in the MediaPlayer. But the conversion takes quite a long time and I would like to play the audio while it is being generated. Subsequent changing of the wave file does not seem to work in the MediaPlayer object and audio streams are not accepted. I found this solution for a similar problem while searching .

Could this be modified so that I can use it with a local audio stream? I need an object with the methods: "Play", "Stop" and Get / Set Position, which can play a file, which can still be appended at runtime.

I would be very grateful for any tips.


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Longtime User
In my app I generate .wav files from MIDI files and then play them in the MediaPlayer. But the conversion takes quite a long time and I would like to play the audio while it is being generated. Subsequent changing of the wave file does not seem to work in the MediaPlayer object and audio streams are not accepted. I found this solution for a similar problem while searching .

Could this be modified so that I can use it with a local audio stream? I need an object with the methods: "Play", "Stop" and Get / Set Position, which can play a file, which can still be appended at runtime.

I would be very grateful for any tips.
according to apple documentation you can do all those things
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Thank you very much!
So far I have never dealt with NativeObjects. Then I will now deal more closely with it and with the AVplayer. It would be ideal if I could pass a file path to "CreatePlayer" and then manipulate this file while playing and also be able to jump to different positions in the area that has already been created.
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One more question: Where is a good start to learn about NativeObject and "OBJC"? I would like to understand this code and create my own :)
Sub CreatePlayer(url As String) As NativeObject
   Dim u As NativeObject
   u = u.Initialize("NSURL").RunMethod("URLWithString:", Array(url))
   Dim player As NativeObject
   player = player.Initialize("AVPlayer").RunMethod("alloc", Null) _
     .RunMethod("initWithURL:", Array(u))
   Return player
End Sub

#if OBJC
@import CoreMedia;
@import AVFoundation;
- (double)GetTime:(AVPlayer*)player {
   return CMTimeGetSeconds([player.currentItem currentTime]);
- (float)GetDuration:(AVPlayer*)player {
    Float64 duration = CMTimeGetSeconds(player.currentItem.duration);
    return duration;
- (void)seekto:(AVPlayer*)player :(float)pos{
    Float64 seconds = pos;
    CMTime targetTime = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(seconds, NSEC_PER_SEC);
    [player seekToTime:targetTime
 toleranceBefore:kCMTimeZero toleranceAfter:kCMTimeZero];
#End If
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