Hi all,
I have spent time searching in this forum and still doens not understand the way AutoScale works (in Designer).
I understood this command allows to scale my views based on the device physical size.
See attached 2 tests.
First test : A small panel including a button.
The running script gives this :
(supposed to fill the screen ! ??)
For the second test, the same bigger panel
With the script, the panel goes over the screen:
What did I missunderstood ??
(B4A 3.0)
I have spent time searching in this forum and still doens not understand the way AutoScale works (in Designer).
I understood this command allows to scale my views based on the device physical size.
See attached 2 tests.
First test : A small panel including a button.
The running script gives this :
(supposed to fill the screen ! ??)
For the second test, the same bigger panel
With the script, the panel goes over the screen:
What did I missunderstood ??
(B4A 3.0)