Share My Creation Aux Music Player


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Judging from the video published on Google Play, you app looks very nice. I will download it later.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I have installed your app and I can for now make the following comments.
The app feels a bit heavy and takes its time to show something... I would recommend a "loading" screen.
Overall Grafics are very good, but user interface , for me, looks a bit over dimensioned... I would make user interactive feature smaller and give more emphasis on cover art.
[You should set an option to change the oscilloscope visual effect to a VU graphic for example... It's less "annoying", more user friendly as most can relate to such graph, and more smooth.]- it was only AFTER seeing the video that I noticed the additional features... Most users won't see the video and my pass their trial period without even noticing these features.
User interface is somewhat cluttered. Audiophiles don't like to keep messing with controls, they like to have control... Different things.
Your notification visual is a bit over a called and the << and >> buttons seem stretched.
Every song on my song list shows negative times and over one hour duration, this is a probable bug(?) ie Mins -1:00:04
I also think 7 days is kinda short as to make someone buy your app, and +5€ is a bit expensive given other apps pricing.

These are my personal opinions and in no way should be viewed as denigrating... I tried to be as objective and constructive as possible.
I would give it a 4.5 star rating.

I tested it using my 7" Asus phonepad
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[You should set an option to change the oscilloscope visual effect to a VU graphic for example... It's less "annoying", more user friendly as most can relate to such graph, and more smooth.]- it was only AFTER seeing the video that I noticed the additional features... Most users won't see the video and my pass their trial period without even noticing these features.
thnks man for ur comments , really appreciate it , i would like u to clarify some things i have not understand ur meaning:
for visuals, there is a vertical slider in the middle of 2 knobs , this slider has 3 values , 1 : osc 2 : fft 3 : vu , i dont know if u noticed that.
for the features , i dont think users dont read the descriptions before downloading any app , cz i mentioned all the app functionality in the app descriptions.
for the bugs : do u mean u see -1 on the song browser? or on the main avtivity?


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thnks man for ur comments , really appreciate it , i would like u to clarify some things i have not understand ur meaning:
for visuals, there is a vertical slider in the middle of 2 knobs , this slider has 3 values , 1 : osc 2 : fft 3 : vu , i dont know if u noticed that.
for the features , i dont think users dont read the descriptions before downloading any app , cz i mentioned all the app functionality in the app descriptions.
for the bugs : do u mean u see -1 on the song browser? or on the main avtivity?

You are incorrect, most users will read diagonally unless they are looking for a specific feature, specially long descriptions. The main middle screen horizontal scroll panels may pass by unnoticed by the common user...

For the minus sign, I get that both in the main screen player as in the song list, no matter which tab is chosen.


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The main middle screen horizontal scroll panels may pass by unnoticed by the common user...
thats why i put 2 buttons on each direction , the orange buttons on the left and right , if u click them the panels will scroll right or left.


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For the minus sign, I get that both in the main screen player as in the song list, no matter which tab is chosen.
i believe those files are too short , maybe ringtones , and they are not mp3 for example.


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Longtime User
i believe those files are too short , maybe ringtones , and they are not mp3 for example.
I can asure you that they are correctly formated and working mp3 files with well over 3 or even 4 minutes in length.


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thats why i put 2 buttons on each direction , the orange buttons on the left and right , if u click them the panels will scroll right or left.
Yes but since the default panel shows the playing song Name and Singer/Group, the user might think it will scroll the song list


Licensed User
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can u post a screenshot please?
Unfortunately not from my phone tab, I will check if any of my other devices have the same behaviour

In other devices I have available, but not usually use to surf b4a, searching play store by your app name does not give your app within the results.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Just installing in a rooted S5...
I must question, why does a music app need to access my phone ID AND call log?
Be back in 5 minutes with snapshots from my S5, same behaviour


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Here you go




Licensed User
Longtime User
that's a goodlooking and functional app.

the amplitude visual seems really fast, is that drawing lines in some accelerated view or something?

Can you also visualize the volume of a stream?
I need to show something from a stream so that you see there is sound coming in but 1 single moving bar is enough, that's why I'm asking.


Active Member
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Longtime User
that's a goodlooking and functional app.

the amplitude visual seems really fast, is that drawing lines in some accelerated view or something?

Can you also visualize the volume of a stream?
I need to show something from a stream so that you see there is sound coming in but 1 single moving bar is enough, that's why I'm asking.

the visuals are using opengl , the vu meter are progress bars.
i didnt understand ur point , what do u mean by visualize the stream?