Android Tutorial AVD sd card maker

I found it a bit difficult to get a handle on creating the sd card in the emulator. As it involved using the command line I thought I might try to write a small tool to help if you are not confident with dos commands. I realise most users here are ok with command line but I thought it might help those who are not experienced. (I am sorry Erel I did not use my b4ppc it was created in as I had some reference stuff and I could knock it together quickly). When you extract the exe it needs to have administrator permission as it creates a small bat file to c: drive. I have tried it and it seems to work ok. It creates a 1gb iso if it is useful I could add size selection. Instructions are on the app's form... Hope someone finds it helpful.


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make avd

In b4a click on tools - Run AVD Manager Click on New and in the SD card section click on file and browse to your iso that you created. Then you can then use this AVD with SD card support.