Having some peculiar errors when I use Wait For in a class.
The code snippet is
If I comment out the line "Wait For ConfirmAsync_Complete" the program compiles (but of course no longer works properly)
Another example - also using Wait For in a Class:
But they're inconsistent - sometimes (not usually) it will compile just fine. No difference between Debug, Release and Release (obfuscated) modes.
The errors also appear to have nothing to do with the Wait For code that seems to trigger them.
Can anyone point to a probable cause? Is it possibly a compiler problem with V 7 beta?
The code snippet is
If TMM.gbClearTracksPrompt And Not(bOverRideClearTracksPrompt) _
And (TMM_FlipFlop.lstTracks.Size > 1) Then
CallSub2(TMM_FlipFlop, "ConfirmAsync","Empty the Queue?")
' Wait for the Confirmation dialog to be completed
Wait for ConfirmAsync_Complete
' The result has now been stored in mbxResult
bFadeStopClearTracks = TMM_Run.mbxConfirm
bFadeStopClearTracks = True
End If
Compiling generated Java code. Error
B4A line: 302
javac 1.8.0_66
src\b4a\themusicmachine\clmultiplayer.java:209: error: non-static method getActivityBA() cannot be referenced from a static context
Compiling generated Java code. Error
B4A line: 641
javac 1.8.0_66
src\b4a\themusicmachine\clupnpplayer.java:572: error: non-static method getActivityBA() cannot be referenced from a static context
parent._tmm._logsub(getActivityBA(),(""+parent.__c.SmartStringFormatter("",(Object)(_scodename))+" FadeMode is "+parent.__c.SmartStringFormatter("",(Object)(parent._fadestopfademode))+""));
But they're inconsistent - sometimes (not usually) it will compile just fine. No difference between Debug, Release and Release (obfuscated) modes.
The errors also appear to have nothing to do with the Wait For code that seems to trigger them.
Can anyone point to a probable cause? Is it possibly a compiler problem with V 7 beta?