Bug? b4a bridge and android 2.3.7


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi,I have downloaded today from PlayStore the b4a bridge on my barcode reader with android 2.3.7, but when I run the software, the wifi and the bluetooth button are disabled, and only the stop buton is active.
The wifi is on ( I have downloaded the software from playstore), the bluetooth is off.

Before use the b4a bridge, I ahave tried with b4a bridge plus, with this I can press the wifi connection, but when my pc tried to connect the b4a bridge will crash.
Then I have uninstalled the bridge plus and I have installed the legacy one, but I can't press the listen button, and the back button doesn't close it, I can't view the version because I can't move the activity screen and the version is invisible for me.

Many thaks for the help



Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes, appear a messagebox which tell me about that the storage card is not available ecc.
The pda isn't connected via usb to the PC. After your post I have tried to connect it to the pc, and it show the pda as storage. I look for a parameter into settings, but I don't find how change this.