Android Question B4A-Bridge denied access to Bluetooth device ?

dara hayes

Licensed User
Longtime User
Installed B4 Bridge on my ASUS 7Inch tablet (ME173X) Android Ver4.2.2 can connect other PC's and devices to tablet but B4 Bridge wont allow access says access denied please ensure B4A app is in listening mode which it is when I press start bluetooth and allow it make itself visible for 300 secs . any ideas

dara hayes

Licensed User
Longtime User
Debugging mode is set on Android device and the PC can exchange files on usb cable to the unit
and the PC and other devices in the area can also link and pair with Asus device on Bluetooth but each time I run
B4A bridge it say access denied after trying to communicate via blue tooth
I dont seem to be able to run B4A bridge to my ASUS , I can to My Sony Experia Z phone with out any trouble
but not to the device for which I wish to put my Application , (the asus tablet)

I tried the ASUS usb driver but it says its up to date in Windows 7
I have tried connecting by usb cable with B4A but I don't see exactly where this comes into the menu commands inSIDE B4A IDE
its not explained very clearly in the documerntation.
Can you please give me a run though the steps to connecting to the device manually with a wire connection !

the PC sees my device and enumerates it correctly in Windows 7 but I want the B4A IDE to also see it
Dara Hayes
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dara hayes

Licensed User
Longtime User
apologies It is working on usb debugging mode its now set correctly on device and as soon as it connects B4A now sends the file to the device
on the lead , however I would like to get Bluetooth working , as I wish to use bluetooth in my application however I am not sure if it is better to use the usb lead if I want to use bluetooth on the device to talk to another external device by bluetooth, so I suppose its best not to be using blue tooth to connect B4A to the device if you want to communicate with a third application by bluetooth is this correct ?
regards Dara
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dara hayes

Licensed User
Longtime User
I have USB Debugging working and B4A IDE connecting to and downloading programs to the device but each time I try to use BLUETOOTH
example it tells me that when I try to connect to the discovered device I get an error on the Tablet service discovery failed and when I load the serial application it tells me
There is an Error saying neither user 10111 nor the current process has android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN
could anyone please point me in the right direction to at least get the examples running
,many thanks
dara hayes
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