B4J Question B4A Finding Windows User Name


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Does anyone know whether it is possible to find the Windows User Name being used by a User in B4A


Bruce Axtens

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Dim strProperty As String = GetSystemProperty("user.name", "default")

That's B4J rather than B4A but you are posting in a B4J forum ...
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Thanks Bruce, sorry I thought that I was in the B4J forum because that's where I was when I did a search for the for the answer???????

Thanks again
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Omg, think that I'm losing it, Ya, didn't check when Bruce said that it was in the wrong forum, anyway keep up the good work, love B4J, so easy to get something working or to test to see how something works, not sure if you saw a previous post with Margaret where I mentioned that I do my development in b4j, then transfer it to B4A, obviously doesn't work for everything but for a lot
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