I start an app with a pushservice. When the message is clicked, a download starts. Everything runs fine, until ... see my comments.
When I am in debug mode, the app is alive and I start the push notice, everything runs fine. But when the app is not allive and has to be started via the push notice, I cannot debug.
Strange ...
I start an app with a pushservice. When the message is clicked, a download starts. Everything runs fine, until ... see my comments.
Sub schreib
If writing=True Then Return
Label1.Text=Basis.t_saving & "x"
' The 3 lines above are executed. I can see label1.text
Msgbox ("vor deletepic","")
' not executed. I see no msgbox
' not executed
When I am in debug mode, the app is alive and I start the push notice, everything runs fine. But when the app is not allive and has to be started via the push notice, I cannot debug.
Strange ...