B4A New Version Issue

Bill Norris

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Upgraded to Bridge version 2.07. With previous versions, when selecting Run Last Deployment under the Project menu, the last deployment would load up and run as expected. With new version, I am now presented with a menu that says "Complete Action Using", with a long list of choices like Accessibility, Accounts & Sync, Android Beam, etc. etc. etc., none of which say the name of my app. Whats Up?


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Problem Selecting Run Last Development...

I've found same problem:

Installed B4ABridge 2.07 in a Viewpad7. When selecting "Run Last Deployment", a menu is presented, that says: "Complete Action Using", with a long list of choices like Accessibility, Accounts & Sync, Android Beam, etc. etc. etc., none of which say the name of my app.

Whats Up?

Thank you.
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Has this issue been fixed, cause I still have it with. Of course the version is the same B4A Bridge v2.07
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Is this a bridge only feature?

It doesn't work here over USB (alt-4 that is) so I always need to go through a full recompile.
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Will be checked and fixed. Note that this option is only useful if you haven't made any changes to your code.


there are a lot of time when I need to re-run the app to check on various variables for debugging. Of course no changes have been done in-between.
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Dave O

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Looking forward to this fix.

In the meantime, is there a correct choice in the "complete action using" dialog, or should we just avoid using Alt-4 for now?
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