B4A on Android tablets


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I am sure this has been asked before many times by noobs such as myself, but I couldn't find it in the forums, so I will ask again. Sorry if this is redundant.

Are there any plans now or future to make a complete B4A designer/IDE solution for android tablets? Basically exactly what we have on our desktop but on our tablet.
Is it even possible with memory and processor power constraints etc?
It would be really cool to be able to make a complete app from start to finish on tablet. I had a quick look at B4A Script and agrahams basic version -(that I have yet to install and configure correctly) :eek:
I'm basically learning all this as I go. I have a little VB5, PHP and Palm OS programming experience, (a couple of working apps written) but nothing extensive or any formal programming experience other than PLC's. So forgive me if I become a pain with a lot of stupid questions. But I am a fast learner.
Anyway, thanks for reading.


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IMHO this sounds like a nightmare. I don't even like programming on my 15" laptop yet alone a tablet


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Basic4ppc, which targeted Windows Mobile devices, did have a device IDE. However there are no plans to create a similar solution for Basic4android.

Such IDEs are not really useful for "real" projects.

I did think of creating a "mini Basic4android" that will be based on the remote compilation feature. Again there are no concrete plans for now...


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Ahhh, I see. Yes I can see both your points, and it would be a big undertaking as I see it. I just thought it would be a nice thing to have on tablet. I'm sure as tablets progress, it will be easier to run or port full blown programs on a tablet. Anything is possible. I saw the first men land on the moon and the fist pc's and cell phones evolve, and if things keep going the way they have, we'll have computers that will program themselves soon enough. Lol.
Thanks for your answers.


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Ducks in a row

I first thought that a tablet IDE was a good idea, but after thinking about it a bit, what I really wanted is to be able to develop an application completely on one machine. The big bottleneck appears to be the hour or so it takes an emulator to initialize. Probably an exaggeration, but it feels that way.

Are there any plans for a B4A emulator? That would be slick.


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why not attach a phone/tablet to your dev pc ? it's a lot easier and faster to test things.


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Ducks in a row

I have 7" and 10" tablets that I connect to the PC with the B4A bridge.
Having no android phone, however, I am forced me to use that dratted Android SDK emulator.

Things seem to be looking up though. I just upgraded to version 22 of the Tools and the new multiple device layout editor should ease a lot of the pain.


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B4A is Dynomite

I use all sizes of Android tablets and cell phones along with many windows devices in a Cloud environment. I have a crated a wide variety of B4A apps that I use for business and pleasure that use a common database in the Cloud. I use both windows and Android systems that access the Cloud data in a similar interface so I have the essentially the same 'Look and Feel' on any machine. I use Android cell phones that use a reduced view to access the same information. I manage Inventory, Personnel and Equipment, Contacts, Rules, Regulation, Forecasting, Appointments and all other aspects of business using the same Cloud data. I find the Tablets essential to my operation. The Tablets are faster and easier to use until one needs to use the keyboard. At that point windows is the winner. So far, I have not found a better solution than a real Keyboard and Mouse. I access and manage data to make decisions on Android - while data input is done by windows machines. I have even posted an B4A app to the PlayStore - But, all I do is Cloud apps - so it limits those that can use it.