Hello all.
I am hoping somebody has enough experience or insight to tell me what I am doing wrong.
I have a simple Delphi DataSnap REST server and I am trying to validate UserName and Password.
So in the B4A code I am doing this:
Sub btnlogin_click
Dim h1 As HttpJob
' URL="http://" & edtName.Text & ":" & edtPassword.Text & "@" & edtServerIP.Text & ":" & edtServerPort.Text & "/datasnap/rest/DSAdmin/GetPlatformName"
URL="http://"edtServerIP.Text & ":" & edtServerPort.Text & "/datasnap/rest/DSAdmin/GetPlatformName"
End Sub
Inside the Delphi server there is an event that fires (correctly) on the first attempt a client makes to connect. It looks like this:
procedure TServerContainer1.DSAuthenticationManager1UserAuthenticate(
Sender: TObject; const Protocol, Context, User, Password: string;
var valid: Boolean; UserRoles: TStrings);
{ TODO : Validate the client user and password.
If role-based authorization is needed, add role names to the UserRoles parameter }
valid := True;
The job starts from B4A and completes successfully; JobDone fires with status of success.
But when the Delphi event fires, the User and Password parameters are always blank.
Does anybody have a clue what might be happening?
I am hoping somebody has enough experience or insight to tell me what I am doing wrong.
I have a simple Delphi DataSnap REST server and I am trying to validate UserName and Password.
So in the B4A code I am doing this:
Sub btnlogin_click
Dim h1 As HttpJob
' URL="http://" & edtName.Text & ":" & edtPassword.Text & "@" & edtServerIP.Text & ":" & edtServerPort.Text & "/datasnap/rest/DSAdmin/GetPlatformName"
URL="http://"edtServerIP.Text & ":" & edtServerPort.Text & "/datasnap/rest/DSAdmin/GetPlatformName"
End Sub
Inside the Delphi server there is an event that fires (correctly) on the first attempt a client makes to connect. It looks like this:
procedure TServerContainer1.DSAuthenticationManager1UserAuthenticate(
Sender: TObject; const Protocol, Context, User, Password: string;
var valid: Boolean; UserRoles: TStrings);
{ TODO : Validate the client user and password.
If role-based authorization is needed, add role names to the UserRoles parameter }
valid := True;
The job starts from B4A and completes successfully; JobDone fires with status of success.
But when the Delphi event fires, the User and Password parameters are always blank.
Does anybody have a clue what might be happening?
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