B4A Server - Connection Time out


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Folks -
I have installed the B4A Server. It works great when I use the example app that comes with it and I am calling out to the board server that Erel provides.

When I change the config files for the Server's run.bat file and I change the URL for the server in the application, it doesn't connect.

I have tried many configurations and when the application is NOT pointing correctly to my local server - it errors out quickly. When it points at it correctly it hangs up and times out. This tells me (maybe) that I am on the right track.

What am I doing wrong?


Licensed User
Longtime User
No - I tried unsuccessfully to set up a WAMP server and then saw that there was a PHP component that runs inside IIS 8. I thought that that would suffice.
So - it has to be a PHP server?
(And thanks for answering so quickly!)
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Is there something in the b4a_server.php that allows the PHP thing on the server to initiate or is it just a handshake?
I set up the PHP in IIS 8 and it still times out. How do I check the Java output and the device output?
Thank you for working with a newb.
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