Android Question b4a v12.8 feedback


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Hi All,

Two changes in behaviour in the new v12.8 of b4a, not issues but posting my experience here for information sharing purposes/

1. okhttputil2 seems to take a about 100ms longer to process responses
2. creating an app bundle I get a filename 'result.aab' instead of the projectname.aab

As I said not show stoppers or issues just differences I experienced or noticed.


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Longtime User
About the filename, if I create apk, it may also produce result.apk, which I think is due to the project name having white space or special characters like period.
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Active Member
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Longtime User
Ok that explains the app bundle filename, tbanks for thst. A simple otem to fix in next release
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Licensed User
Longtime User
A simple otem to fix in next release
Rename the b4a filename. Use Filenames without special characters, spaces...
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