Android Question B4Abridge 'Error writing file' on Android 5.1.1


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Hi all,

I installed Cyanogenmod 12.1 (Android 5.1.1) on my Galaxy S3 I9300. When I connect B4Abridge (v2.14 from Google Play), it keeps showing these two toast messages:
- Error writing file
- Error saving APK

I presume that this has something to do with B4Abridge failing to install the Designer on the phone, but have no idea how to fix it. Installation from unknown sources has been enabled; do I need to do something else? (I've searched the forum but to no avail)

Thanks in advance for any help,



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Longtime User
Thanks for your fast response as always Erel; I didn't find out how to read the logs via USB debug mode (I could enable it) but v2.13 did the trick!

However, when I now run a project (either in debug or release mode) in the IDE, all seems well there but after a while B4Abridge briefly disconnects and then reconnects. I've attached the log to this post; I see a permission error there, perhaps I need to tweak some setting somewhere? (I haven't seen this behaviour on other devices/Android versions)


  • log.txt
    20.3 KB · Views: 429
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