iOS Question b4i bridge server not response

Alberto SN

Licensed User

Im trying debug my app on bridge.

I follow all instructions show in the post but when I insert the b4i-bridge web page on my iPhone safari, it shows this error: Safari can't open page because the server not response.

The page is exactly like shows on compile window, show this information:

B4i version: 2.50
Parsing code. (0.08s)
Compiling code. (0.76s)
Building designer app. (0.01s)
Building Xcode project (0.04s)
Sending data to remote compiler. (2.48s)
Open mobile Safari and navigate to:
Then click on the Install button.
1. Make sure that B4I certificate is installed (
2. Make sure that the provisioning file includes the target device UDID.
3. Check the link for typos.
Completed successfully.

Certificate and provision files are right configured.

IDK whats' problem.

Anybody can help me please?


Alberto SN

Licensed User
On Chrome gives next message when I insert link:

No build is currently available. Refresh the page if you have already compiled the project.
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