iOS Question B4i Views Reference

Jim McDougal

Licensed User
I just started converting an app from B4A to B4i (this is my first exposure to B4i). Most of my B4A app was written with XUI and B4X views and seems to be migrating over to B4i better than I could have ever expected. :)

However, there are a few views (e.g. ScrollView) that were implemented in my original app as B4A views (non-B4X) and the corresponding views in B4i don't behave exactly the same (they don't like the code from the B4A app as originally written). Is there a nice, comprehensive reference for B4i similar to Wyken Seagrave's Rapid Android App Development for B4A?

I do have Vader's B4X object browser for libraries, but alas, no reference for native B4i views.

Jim McDougal

Licensed User
I was hoping more for a reference that would list out the B4i views with details on their events, members, etc. Wyken Seagrave's book has been indispensable for me while developing with B4A. Something similar for B4i would be very helpful.
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Jim McDougal

Licensed User
Yes, thanks. I've been using those since I first got started with B4A and re-reading them from the B4i perspective is on my To-Do list.

Learning B4i will be an educational adventure, just like B4A. It's all good!
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