Hi Erel
I made a file RunRlc.bat as under
rem windows 7 location
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_13\bin\java.exe" -Xmx256m -cp .;libs\*;jdbc_driver\* anywheresoftware.b4a.remotedatabase.RemoteServer
using the example shown in
'shl.Initialize("shl", "cmd.exe", Array As String(cRunRLCPath,cRunRLC))
and changing the above line to
shl.Initialize("shl", "RunRLC.bat", Array As String("/c", "start"))
both it and the B4J program run perfect except that possibly because it is running as a shell, the only way to close my B4J programme is to use windows task manager.
The shell still runs in the back ground as is invisible.
What I then did was to re open my B4J programme and comment out
'shl.Initialize("shl", "RunRLC.bat", Array As String("/c", "start"))
and everything is OK.
Maybe the best way is for me not to run RunRLC.bat from the B4J programme, but to run it in
Windows - Startup, in which case RunRlc.bat is only started once when the computer initially starts.
This method also works fine,
except would it be possible to hide / make invisible the command prompt as appearing in RunRLC.jpg?