B4J Question B4J App Requesting B4J Library bjl Files, huh?


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Hi there

I have a strange problem, I'm designing my first B4J library with designer views, bjl files. I created the first component and the second component is using the first component.

First component: EditableTableView
Second component: ListViewETV (this will be a ListView with an attached EditableTableView, see Figure 1 below.

When I view the designs with Connect nothing shows, anyway I compile the library, I call it ETV, project a.zip here.

Now I start a new project, reference etv and create a view with ListViewETV in custom views and I compile, it gives and error that it wants the designer views that were created in the library. I include them and everything works. Is this normal behaviour?

Question: Why is the library not including the designer views apparently? is this a by design thing and why do I have to upload them to my app again?

Figure 1: Final Product


Figure 2: This is the error I get when I compile when the designer views are not included in my b4j app.


What baffles me, my vLETV design does not display anything and secondly, I include the designer views and the Logs indicate that the designer files are not used?

Can anyone advise please? please pardon my scanty understanding of b4j library creation.



  • a.zip
    12.5 KB · Views: 287
  • b.zip
    1.8 KB · Views: 276