Italian B4J - SMS al costo del piano tariffario dello smartphone con API di mySMS


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Installare sul telefono l'app mysms - SMS dal Computer

Richiedere la APIKey per lo sviluppare su questo

    Type ServiceMySMS  (SMSApiKey   As String, _
                        SMSmsisdn As String, _
                        SMSPassword As String, _
                        SMSCountry As String, _
                        SMSTo As String , _
                        SMSMessaggio As String, _
                        SMSLinkAPI As String , _
                        SMSAuthToken As String)
    Dim mySMSSend As ServiceMySMS
    mySMSSend.SMSApiKey = "....."
    mySMSSend.SmSmsisdn =""         'Cellulare registrato su mySMS
    mySMSSend.SMSPassword = "...."    'Password
    mySMSSend.SMSCountry  = "39"    'Nazione del cellulare di destinazione
    mySMSSend.SMSTo = ""             'Cellulare del destinatario SENZA +39 (Max 50 numeri per volta)
    mySMSSend.SMSMessaggio = ""        'Messaggio max 160 caratteri
    mySMSSend.SMSLinkAPI = ""
    mySMSSend.SMSAuthToken = ""

  Type ServiceMySMSErrCode  (SMSReturnCode  As Int, _
                 SMSErrCode      As Int, _
                 SMSErrDesc      As String)
   Dim mySMSErrore As ServiceMySMSErrCode
   mySMSErrore.SMSReturnCode = 0
   mySMSErrore.SMSErrCode = 0
   mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = ""

  Private mySMS_USER_LOGIN   = "sms_user_login" As String 
  Private mySMS_REMOTE_SMS   = "sms_remote_sms" As String

Private Sub mySMS_Login
' Autenticazione LOGIN
'    Example JSON - REQUEST
'  "msisdn" : ...,
'  "password" : "...",
'  "key" : "...",
'  "checkKey" : false,
'  "apiKey" : "..."
'property         |Type                 |description
'msisdn            |msisdn (long)         |The user's verified mobile number
'password        |password (string)     |The user's password
'key             |key (string)         |The optional key (Max. 64 chars) For login check. If set And checkKey Is True the key must match the last used key.
'checkKey         |checkKey (boolean) |If True the provided key will be checked otherwise the provided key will overwrite the old one after successful login.
'    Example JSON - RESPONSE
'  "authToken" : "...",
'  "info" : "...",
'  "dateVerified" : "...",
'  "countryCode" : "...",
'  "dialPrefix" : ...,
'  "currencyCode" : "...",
'  "errorCode" : ...
' | 97    | The access To the api was denied
' | 98    | You made too much requests in a short time
' | 99    | The service Is currently Not available
' | 101    | The credentials are wrong
' | 107    | The user msisdn Not exists
' | 108    | The key Is wrong
' | 109    | The login Is blocked For a specific time, because some wrong logins were made
' | 600    | The api key Is invalid
    lblMsgSMS.Text = ""
    mySMSSend.SmSmsisdn = "39" & UsaCellulareSender        
    Dim tmpParametri As String = $"{
                              "msisdn" : "$ & mySMSSend.SMSmsisdn & $",
                              "password" : ""$ & mySMSSend.SMSPassword & $"",
                              "key" : "",
                              "checkKey" : false,
                              "apiKey" : ""$ & mySMSSend.SMSApiKey & $""
'    Log (tmpParametri)                    
    mySMSSend.SMSLinkAPI = ""
    ExecuteRemoteQuery(mySMSSend.SMSLinkAPI, tmpParametri, mySMS_USER_LOGIN)
End Sub

Private Sub mySMS_Message_Send (tmpDestinatariSMS As String)
' Invio SMS
'    Example JSON - REQUEST
'  "recipients" : [ "...", ... ],
'  "message" : "...",
'  "dateSendOn" : "...",
'  "encoding" : ...,
'  "smsConnectorId" : ...,
'  "store" : False,
'  "authToken" : "...",
'  "apiKey" : "..."
'property         |Type                              |description
'recipients     |Array of recipients(string)    |The recipients in international format (+436761234567)
'message         |message            (string)     |The message To send
'dateSendOn     |dateSendOn         (DateTime)     |The optional date when the message should be delivered. If Not given it will be delivered immediately.
'encoding         |encoding             (int)         |The encoding For the message (0 => 7-Bit, 1 => 8-Bit, 2 => UCS2)
'smsConnectorId    |smsConnectorId     (int)         |The sms connector id To be used (optional). Leave zero For normal operator sms.
'store            |store                 (boolean)     |True If the messages should be stored on the server As outgoing messages. In Case of failed delivery the will be marked As unsent.
'    Example JSON - RESPONSE
'  "requestId" : ...,
'  "dateSent" : "...",
'  "remoteSmsSendAcks" : [ {
'    "recipient" : "...",
'    "messageId" : ...
'  }, ... ],
'  "errorCode" : ...
' | 2    | A required parameter was Not given
' | 97    | The access To the api was denied
' | 98    | You made too much requests in a short time
' | 99    | The service Is currently Not available
' | 100    | The auth token Is invalid
' | 700    | One Or more recipients are Not in the correct format Or are containing invalid msisdns (i.e: 436761234567)
' | 701    | You only are allowed To send a sms To 50 Recipients per request
' | 702    | One Or more recipients are blocked by the system.
' | 600    | The api key Is invalid
    lblMsgSMS.Text = ""
    mySMSSend.SMSMessaggio = txtTestoSMS.Text.Trim
    Dim tmpParametri As String = $"{
            "recipients" : [ "$ & tmpDestinatariSMS & $" ],
              "message" : ""$ & mySMSSend.SMSMessaggio & $"",
              "dateSendOn" : "",
              "encoding" : 0,
              "smsConnectorId" : 0,
              "store" : true,
              "authToken" : ""$ & mySMSSend.SMSAuthToken & $"",
              "apiKey" : ""$ & mySMSSend.SMSApiKey & $""
'    Log (tmpParametri)
    mySMSSend.SMSLinkAPI = ""
    ExecuteRemoteQuery(mySMSSend.SMSLinkAPI, tmpParametri, mySMS_REMOTE_SMS)
End Sub

Sub ExecuteRemoteQuery(tmpUsaLink As String, tmpParamentri As String, JobName As String)
    Dim job As HttpJob
    job.Initialize(JobName, Me)
    job.PostString(tmpUsaLink, tmpParamentri)            'Uso Metodo POST
    job.GetRequest.SetContentType ("application/json")    'Solo per Metodo POST
    job.GetRequest.SetContentEncoding("utf-8")            'Solo per Metodo POST
End Sub

Sub JobDone(job As HttpJob)

    If job.Success Then
        Dim res As String
        res = job.GetString
'        Log (res)
        Dim parser As JSONParser
        Select job.JobName
            Case mySMS_USER_LOGIN
                CallSub (Me, "Progress_Dialog_Close")
                Dim m As Map
                m = parser.NextObject
'                Log(m.Get("errorCode"))
                mySMSErrore.SMSReturnCode = 0
                lblMsgSMS.Text = ""
                Select m.Get("errorCode")
                    Case 0
                        mySMSSend.SMSAuthToken = m.Get("authToken")
'                        lblMsgSMS.Text = "Autenticato correttamente"
                        Dim tmpContaSMS As Int = 0
                        Dim tmpNumberDestinazione As String = ""    
                        For i = 0 To tblElencoDati.items.Size - 1 Step 1
                            Dim r() As Object = tblElencoDati.Items.Get(i)
                            Dim tmpReadCellulare As String = r(6)
                            If tmpReadCellulare.Length > 0 Then
                                tmpReadCellulare = "+39" & tmpReadCellulare
                                tmpNumberDestinazione = tmpNumberDestinazione &""""& tmpReadCellulare &""","
                                tmpContaSMS = tmpContaSMS + 1
                            End If
                            If tmpContaSMS = 40 Then 'Mando 40 SMS per volta (Max 50)
                                tmpNumberDestinazione = tmpNumberDestinazione.SubString2(0, (tmpNumberDestinazione.Length -1))
                                CallSub2 (Me , "mySMS_Message_Send" , tmpNumberDestinazione)
                                tmpContaSMS = 0
                                tmpNumberDestinazione = ""
                            End If
                        If tmpContaSMS > 0 Then
                            tmpNumberDestinazione = tmpNumberDestinazione.SubString2(0, (tmpNumberDestinazione.Length -1))
                            CallSub2 (Me , "mySMS_Message_Send" , tmpNumberDestinazione)
                        End If
                    Case Else
                        Select m.Get("errorCode")
                            Case  97
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - The access To the api was denied"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                            Case  98
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - You made too much requests in a short time"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                            Case  99
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - The service Is currently Not available"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                            Case  101
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - The credentials are wrong"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                            Case  107
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - The user msisdn Not exists"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                            Case  108
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - The key Is wrong"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                            Case  109                                
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - The login Is blocked For a specific time, because some wrong logins were made"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc                        
                            Case  600
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - The api key Is invalid"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc                                                            
                            Case Else
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - Errore non codificato"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                        End Select
                        mySMSErrore.SMSReturnCode = 1
                End Select
            Case mySMS_REMOTE_SMS
                CallSub (Me, "Progress_Dialog_Close")
                Dim m As Map
                m = parser.NextObject
'                Log(m.Get("errorCode"))
                mySMSErrore.SMSReturnCode = 0
                lblMsgSMS.Text = ""
                Select m.Get("errorCode")
                    Case 0
                        lblMsgSMS.Text = "SMS inviati correttamente"
                    Case Else
                        Select m.Get("errorCode")
                            Case 2
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - A required parameter was Not given"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc                            
                            Case  97
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - The access To the api was denied"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                            Case  98
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - You made too much requests in a short time"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                            Case  99
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - The service Is currently Not available"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                            Case  100
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - The auth token Is invalid"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                            Case  700
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - One Or more recipients are Not in the correct format Or are containing invalid msisdns (i.e: 436761234567)"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                            Case  701
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - You only are allowed To send a sms To 50 Recipients per request"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                            Case  702                                
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - One Or more recipients are blocked by the system"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc                        
                            Case  600
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - The api key Is invalid"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc                                                            
                            Case Else
                                mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode") & " - Errore non codificato"
                                lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                        End Select
                        mySMSErrore.SMSReturnCode = 1
                        mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = m.Get("errorCode")
                        lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
                End Select                            
            Case Else
        End Select
        mySMSErrore.SMSReturnCode = 9
        mySMSErrore.SMSErrCode = 999999
        mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc = "Error: " & job.ErrorMessage
        lblMsgSMS.Text = mySMSErrore.SMSErrDesc
'        Log ("Error: " & job.ErrorMessage)
    End If
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
Innanzitutto, grazie per l'informazione.

Ma qualcuno ancora spende per gli SMS? Non sarà meglio usare qualche app come, un nome a "caso", Whatsapp e magari non pagare affatto?
Piuttosto si potrebbe creare un sw B4J proprio per inviare messaggi Whatsapp tramite PC (da PC al proprio smartphone, intendo, ovviamente)


Licensed User
Longtime User

Mi rispondo da solo

In effetti non sarebbe un enorme vantaggio poter inviare un messaggio dal proprio PC al proprio smartphone affinché poi questo lo invii tramite Whatsapp.
Il vantaggio maggiore sarebbe quello di... non doversi alzare per prendere lo smartphone

Potrebbero esserci anche altri piccoli vantaggi (bisognerebbe pensarci un po') come quello di usare una grande tastiera e magari conservare su PC i messaggi (benché solo quelli inviati).


Licensed User
Longtime User
Ciao Luca, nel mio caso è un sistema che fa tante altre cose tra cui anche mandare SMS per avvisi, fermo restando che WhatsApp necessita di internet. Molti piani tariffari ormai offrono sms illimitati o a pacchetti e quindi gli SMS costano nulla.
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valentino s

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me gusta. Sai dove trovo info per capire come funziona l'associazione al piano tariffario del telefono ?


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Salve, qualcuno ha creato una applicazione con B4J che si connette con un smarphone ed inviare/ricevere messaggi SMS?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Salve, qualcuno ha creato una applicazione con B4J che si connette con un smarphone ed inviare/ricevere messaggi SMS?
Ciao Roberto,
rispetto a quanto scritto cosa non ti e' chiaro? il codice che ho messo qui e' quello che attualmente e' in uso in un programma fatto.
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Active Member
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Longtime User
Quello che vorrei dirti che non volevo inviare/ricevere messaggi tramite webserver, ma dialogare con un smartphone tramite le porte ed inviarli/ricevere direttamente con la mia scheda sim del cellulare, ho visto un esempio scritto con B4R (Arduino) un modulo GSM.bas.


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Allora non posso aiutarti, le funzioni scritte sopra utilizzano le API sul sito di MYSMS


Well-Known Member
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inviare messaggi Whatsapp tramite PC (
whatsapp ha il suo sito internet che con un codice QR catturato con whatsapp permette di gestire whatsapp direttamente dal browser del PC
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