B4J Code Snippet [B4X]Cancelling 'Sleep' Awakening Events

Inspired by https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-resumable-subs-and-the-index-pattern.111487/

Sub Class_Globals
    Private Root As B4XView
    Private xui As XUI
    Private cancelTimes As Map
    Private ProgramStart As Long = DateTime.Now        'In this example it is used for Logging times
End Sub

Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    Dim tripIds() As String = Array As String("*", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E")
    For Each id In tripIds
        cancelTimes.Put(id, DateTime.Now)
    'Note that time points (in msecs) have been artificially shortened to see results within 15 seconds.
    startTripInFuture(0, "A")
    startTripInFuture(5000, "B")
    startTripInFuture(7500, "C")
    startTripInFuture(10000, "D")
    startTripInFuture(12500, "E")
    'Halfway into Trip A, a time conflict results in the cancellation of "C"
    Log("Cancellation of Trip C occurs at " & (DateTime.now - ProgramStart))
    cancelTimes.Put("C", DateTime.Now)
    'Trip B is started but during the trip, a crisis occurs, all trips have to be cancelled
    Log("Crisis event occurs at " & (DateTime.now - ProgramStart))
    cancelTimes.Put("*", DateTime.Now)

End Sub

Private Sub startTripInFuture(delay As Long, tripId As String)
    Dim timeScheduled As Long = DateTime.now
    If timeScheduled < Max(cancelTimes.Get(tripId), cancelTimes.Get("*")) Then
        Log("Trip " & tripId & " is aborted at " & (DateTime.now - ProgramStart))
    End If
    Log("Trip " & tripId & " is started at " & (DateTime.now - ProgramStart))
    'pack suitcase
    'book transportation to  airport
    'the same method can be used to exit loops and pending sub calls
    If timeScheduled < Max(cancelTimes.Get(tripId), cancelTimes.Get("*")) Then
        Log("Trip " & tripId & " is aborted at " & (DateTime.now - ProgramStart))
    End If
    'get up early
    'travel to airport
End Sub
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