Android Code Snippet [B4X] Check if Google Street View is available

This code check's easy and fast if Google Street View is available.

You need the latitude and longitude. You can here get a API Key. Here you can more read about this.

Sub isStreetViewAvailable(lat As Float, lon As Float)
    Dim j As HttpJob
    j.Initialize("", Me)
    j.Download("" & lat & "," & lon & "&key=" & STREET_API)
    Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
    If j.Success Then
        Dim jp As JSONParser
        Dim status As String = jp.NextObject.GetDefault("status", 0)
        If  status.Contains("OK") Then
            Log("Streetview is available!")
            Log("Streetview is not available!")
        End If
    End If

End Sub

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