Android Question [B4x]-compatible TabHost/Tabstrip/ViewPager?


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During the creation of a new B4X application the question for a TabStripViewer arose.

The example project "[B4X] [XUI] Page Indicator" shows a possible way of implementation.

As it looks, however, the elements of the TabsContainer such as labels can only be reached using an Android-specific solution.

Does anyone know a B4x-compatible TabHost/Tabstrip/ViewPager?

Alexander Stolte

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Longtime User
I was working on it 3 month ago, but my challenge was the indicator line. My goal was to have a line movment depends on the finger position on the list.

It is based on the Xcustomlistview. And only compatible with B4A and B4I (not tested) on B4J there was no touch scrolling on the horizontal list.


  • ASTabStrip.bas
    17.3 KB · Views: 436
  • AS TabStrip B4A
    72.1 KB · Views: 427
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