Wish B4X - Different color in errors in Dark Mode


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Longtime User
When you use Dark skin in all IDEs, when you get an error it gets difficult to read it since red in dark background is not differentiated enough.
I - and I believe more programmers like me that use dark skin - would like to have a different color in errors so that is more differentiated than the background and thus more visible. Even better the ability to select what color you want would be the ultimum choice.


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You can change the code editor side. I use vibrank Ink for the Dark IDE

You can also goto Install Directory, under Themes folder, duplicate any of the vssettings file there, rename to your own and edit the colors.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, mcqueccu. I have tried that before I post, but when there is a runtime error, the error in the logs remains red and not easy readable. Sorry, my bad... I should have mentioned that I mean in the logs.