Android Code Snippet [B4X] Easing Functions

Code module containing 22 Ease In/out functions

Thanks to Erel for mentioning the Source: gizma


  1. Simple Linear Tweening - No Easing, No Acceleration
  2. Quadratic Easing In - Accelerating From Zero Velocity
  3. Quadratic Easing Out - Decelerating To Zero Velocity
  4. Quadratic Easing In/Out - Acceleration Until Halfway, Then Deceleration
  5. Cubic Easing In - Accelerating From Zero Velocity
  6. Cubic Easing Out - Decelerating To Zero Velocity
  7. Cubic Easing In/Out - Acceleration Until Halfway, Then Deceleration
  8. Quartic Easing In - Accelerating From Zero Velocity
  9. Quartic Easing Out - Decelerating To Zero Velocity
  10. Quartic Easing In/Out - Acceleration Until Halfway, Then Deceleration
  11. Quintic Easing In - Accelerating From Zero Velocity
  12. Quintic Easing Out - Decelerating To Zero Velocity
  13. Quintic Easing In/Out - Acceleration Until Halfway, Then Deceleration
  14. Sinusoidal Easing In - Accelerating From Zero Velocity
  15. Sinusoidal Easing Out - Decelerating To Zero Velocity
  16. Sinusoidal Easing In/Out - Accelerating Until Halfway, Then Decelerating
  17. Exponential Easing In - Accelerating From Zero Velocity
  18. Exponential Easing Out - Decelerating To Zero Velocity
  19. Exponential Easing In/Out - Accelerating Until Halfway, Then Decelerating
  20. Circular Easing In - Accelerating From Zero Velocity
  21. Circular Easing Out - Decelerating To Zero Velocity
  22. Circular Easing In/Out - Acceleration Until Halfway, Then Deceleration

See attached example (B4A) or check Erel's Example with implementation in CircularProgressBar here

Easing Functions:
'Code converted to b4x by @epicode
'Modified code as shared by Erel from

Public Sub linearTween (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Return ChangeInValue  * Time/ Duration + Start
End Sub
'// quadratic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity

Public Sub easeInQuad (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time / Duration
    Return ChangeInValue  * Time*Time + Start
End Sub

'// quadratic easing out - decelerating To zero velocity

Public Sub easeOutQuad (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time / Duration
    Return - ChangeInValue * Time*(Time-2) + Start
End Sub


'// quadratic easing in/out - acceleration Until halfway, Then deceleration

Public Sub easeInOutQuad (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time / (Duration / 2)
    If (Time < 1) Then Return ChangeInValue  /2*Time*Time + Start
    Time = Time - 1
    Return - ChangeInValue/2 * (Time*(Time-2) - 1) + Start
End Sub

'// cubic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity

Public Sub easeInCubic (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time / Duration
    Return ChangeInValue  * Time*Time*Time + Start
End Sub


'// cubic easing out - decelerating To zero velocity

Public Sub easeOutCubic (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time / Duration
    Time = Time -1
    Return ChangeInValue  * (Time*Time*Time + 1) + Start
End Sub


'// cubic easing in/out - acceleration Until halfway, Then deceleration

Public Sub easeInOutCubic (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time / (Duration / 2)
    If (Time < 1) Then Return ChangeInValue  /2*Time*Time*Time + Start
    Time = Time + 2
    Return ChangeInValue  /2*(Time*Time*Time + 2) + Start
End Sub

'// quartic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity

Public Sub easeInQuart (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time / Duration
    Return ChangeInValue  * Time*Time*Time*Time + Start
End Sub


'// quartic easing out - decelerating To zero velocity

Public Sub easeOutQuart (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time / Duration
    Time = Time -1
    Return - ChangeInValue * (Time*Time*Time*Time - 1) + Start
End Sub


'// quartic easing in/out - acceleration Until halfway, Then deceleration

Public Sub easeInOutQuart (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time /(Duration / 2)
    If (Time < 1) Then Return ChangeInValue  /2 * Time * Time * Time * Time + Start
    Time = Time -2
    Return - ChangeInValue/2 * (Time*Time*Time*Time - 2) + Start
End Sub

'// quintic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity

Public Sub easeInQuint (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time / Duration
    Return ChangeInValue  * Time*Time*Time*Time*Time + Start
End Sub


'// quintic easing out - decelerating To zero velocity

Public Sub easeOutQuint (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time / Duration
    Time = Time -1
    Return ChangeInValue  * (Time * Time*Time * Time * Time + 1) + Start
End Sub


'// quintic easing in/out - acceleration Until halfway, Then deceleration

Public Sub easeInOutQuint (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time / (Duration / 2)
    If (Time < 1) Then Return ChangeInValue /2 * Time * Time * Time * Time * Time + Start
    Time = Time -2
    Return ChangeInValue  /2 * (Time * Time * Time * Time * Time + 2) + Start
End Sub

'// sinusoidal easing in - accelerating from zero velocity

Public Sub easeInSine (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Return - ChangeInValue * Cos(Time/ Duration * (cPI/2)) + ChangeInValue + Start
End Sub


'// sinusoidal easing out - decelerating To zero velocity

Public Sub easeOutSine (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Return ChangeInValue  * Sin(Time/ Duration * (cPI/2)) + Start
End Sub


'// sinusoidal easing in/out - accelerating Until halfway, Then decelerating

Public Sub easeInOutSine (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Return - ChangeInValue/2 * (Cos(cPI*Time/ Duration) - 1) + Start
End Sub


'// exponential easing in - accelerating from zero velocity

Public Sub easeInExpo (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Return ChangeInValue  * Power( 2, 10 * (Time/ Duration - 1) ) + Start
End Sub


'// exponential easing out - decelerating To zero velocity

Public Sub easeOutExpo (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Return ChangeInValue  * ( -Power( 2, -10 * Time/ Duration ) + 1 ) + Start
End Sub


'// exponential easing in/out - accelerating Until halfway, Then decelerating

Public Sub easeInOutExpo (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time /(Duration / 2)
    If (Time < 1) Then Return ChangeInValue  /2 * Power( 2, 10 * (Time - 1) ) + Start
    Time = Time -1
    Return ChangeInValue  /2 * ( -Power( 2, -10 * Time) + 2 ) + Start
End Sub

'// circular easing in - accelerating from zero velocity

Public Sub easeInCirc (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time / Duration
    Return - ChangeInValue * (Sqrt(1 - Time * Time) - 1) + Start
End Sub


'// circular easing out - decelerating To zero velocity

Public Sub easeOutCirc (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time / Duration
    Time = Time -1
    Return ChangeInValue  * Sqrt(1 - Time * Time) + Start
End Sub

'// circular easing in/out - acceleration Until halfway, Then deceleration

Public Sub easeInOutCirc (Time As Float, Start As Float, ChangeInValue As Float, Duration As Int) As Float
    Time =  Time / (Duration / 2)
    If (Time < 1) Then Return - ChangeInValue/2 * (Sqrt(1 - Time * Time) - 1) + Start
    Time = Time -2
    Return ChangeInValue  /2 * (Sqrt(1 - Time * Time) + 1) + Start
End Sub


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Active Member
Licensed User
Can you give an easing example code with image instead of progress bar ?
Progressbar was used just to illustrate the concept.
The same value which is used to update progressbar1.progress can be used anywhere.
For Images you can set it to .left or .top to move them around or use it in color alpha to fade them with easing affect.