Android Tutorial [B4x]Send Firebase-Message via php


Please ensure you use https:// to call the Google fcm api. "Out of the sudden" one of my apps didn't work anymore

$ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_URL, '' );
        curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_POST, true );
        curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers );
        curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
        curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false );
        curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode( $fields ) );
        $result = curl_exec($ch );
        curl_close( $ch );

I use php for all my server stuff so here is an updated tutorial how to use php to send messages to devices.

1. Follow Erel's instructions to set up Firebase Messaging and download the example.

2. Add the log line to the example to see the device's token (you need to copy it later)

Public Sub SubscribeToTopics
   fm.SubscribeToTopic("general") 'you can subscribe to more topics
   Log (fm.Token)
End Sub

Inside the logs you'll see a long string (=token) like this:


By subscribing every device will get a unique token which is used to send a message to THIS device.

3. Copy the php script into an own folder (I've called mine "FCM") inside the htdocs folder of your php installation. I use XAMPP for my tests (no production server is needed). Change "API_ACCESS_KEY" to the one of your project (see Erel's tutorial).

In the array

$msg = array
            'title'     => $t,
            'message'     => $m,
            'MyKey1'       => 'MyData1',
            'MyKey2'       => 'MyData2',

you can use key/value pairs like you want to. Add more if needed.



switch ($action) {
    Case "M":
        $j=json_decode(notify($r, $t, $m));
        print "Success: " . $succ . "<br>";
        print "Fail   : " . $fail . "<br>";
        print json_encode ("Error: Function not defined ->" . $action);

function notify ($r, $t, $m)
    // API access key from Google API's Console
        if (!defined('API_ACCESS_KEY')) define( 'API_ACCESS_KEY', 'AIzasogs94sgjsjsg04......... );
        $tokenarray = array($r);
        // prep the bundle
        $msg = array
            'title'     => $t,
            'message'     => $m,
            'MyKey1'       => 'MyData1',
            'MyKey2'       => 'MyData2',
        $fields = array
            'registration_ids'     => $tokenarray,
            'data'            => $msg
        $headers = array
            'Authorization: key=' . API_ACCESS_KEY,
            'Content-Type: application/json'
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_URL, '' );
        curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_POST, true );
        curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers );
        curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
        curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false );
        curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode( $fields ) );
        $result = curl_exec($ch );
        curl_close( $ch );
        return $result;


4. Start Erel's example (debug), set a breakpoint at "fm_MessageArrived", copy the token to the clipboard. Open your browser and call the php like this:


Change the ip-address, too (can be a regular website when you use it in production)

Insert the copied token after "r=" and your app will receive the message at once:

Message arrived
Message data: {MyKey1=MyData1, MyKey2=MyData2, title=Title, message=Message}

As you can see, our key/value pairs arrive as a map. To get the contents of "message":

Dim mess As String = Message.GetData.Get("message")

5. Improvements

Just call the php via httputils to send a message.

Usually you have more than one device and you do't know the tokens. So you need to store the token and some other unique identifier (email address/name/imei -> alias) into a database. So you can add to the script to store update the tokens. In another function you just call the script with the alias.

In one of my apps I store all messages to a table to check the status (sent, received). After the message arrives on the device I call the php to update the status to "received".


There is no security here. Don't use this example 1:1 on your production server(s)! (use Google to search for how to secure a php script/MySql).
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To put to work the message:
change ' message' to 'body'

 // prep the bundle
        $msg = array
            'title'     => $t,
            'body'     => $m,
          /*  'MyKey1'       => 'MyData1',
            'MyKey2'       => 'MyData2', */
        $fields = array
            'to'       => "/topics/your topic change here",
            'data'            => $msg


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1) is this example still working without problems ?
2) is the fcm token changes everytime user launches the app or every device has one token id ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I found the answer the these questions. onlyh problem is message shows null alotugh i send the m paramter. There is no problem with the title. any idea @KMatle ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
1. You should create a new thread for any Issue you have!
2. Post the code you are using to send the Message. Also the code you are using to get the Data from the Message arrived.
if anyone has this problem , you have to change message to "body" in the php.


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@all: Google FCM offers different message types (yep, it really does). It is very important to know this because there are several scenarios how your app (exactly: How the FCM services behave/what your app does).

Please take a look at the documentation:

FCM uses keywords like DATA, BODY, TITLE. I use DATA messages only because one can have a list/map(s) with formatted data. With it you then need to set e.g. notifications on your own (which I prefer) without any automatic processing. There are several other keywords (see the docs).

Notification messages

FCM automatically displays the message to end-user devices on behalf of the client app. Notification messages have a predefined set of user-visible keys and an optional data payload of custom key-value pairs.

Data messages

Client app is responsible for processing data messages. Data messages have only custom key-value pairs.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for detailed answers. I have one problem. I want to send to topic , I have changed the code as advised in this topic. But now

$j=json_decode(notify($r, $t, $m));

seems not correct as we will not send it to a single token but a topic. What is the correct way to send to topic ?



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Hi, I'm getting a bug with the php script

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'title' (T_STRING) in /webspace/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/firebase_message.php on line 38

used as action times only Action = X

Best regards
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