B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS SegmentedTab

New year, new ASViews :)

I spend a lot of time in creating views, like this and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me and further views, then you can do it here by Paypal or with a coffee. :)
B4j: jXUI,JavaObject
B4a: XUi,JavaObject
B4i: iXUI


NEW PaddingSelectionPanel - Picture Value: 5

NEW ShowSeperators

Custom Tab Width Example
AS SegmentedTab Custom Tab Width.gif

Author: Alexander Stolte
Version: 1.11

  • ASSegmentedTab
    • Events:
      • TabChanged (index As Int)
    • Fields:
      • mAutoDecreaseTextSize As Boolean
      • mBase As B4XView
      • Tag As Object
    • Functions:
      • AddTab (Text As String, icon As B4XBitmap) As String
      • Class_Globals As String
      • CreateASSegmentedTab_ItemTextProperties (TextColor As Int, TextFont As B4XFont, TextAlignment_Vertical As String, TextAlignment_Horizontal As String, BackgroundColor As Int) As ASSegmentedTab_ItemTextProperties
      • CreateASSegmentedTab_SeperatorProperties (Color As Int, Width As Float, HeightPercentage As Int, CornerRadius As Float) As ASSegmentedTab_SeperatorProperties
      • DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String
        Base type must be Object
      • FontToBitmap (text As String, IsMaterialIcons As Boolean, FontSize As Float, color As Int) As B4XBitmap
      • getAutoDecreaseTextSize As Boolean
        The text size is automatically adjusted to the space, if the text should not fit on one line.
      • getBackgroundPanel As B4XView
        the child panel of mBase
      • getBase As B4XView
      • getIndex As Int
      • getItemTextProperties As ASSegmentedTab_ItemTextProperties
        change the properties before you add atab, then this settings will be change the on the next added tab
        <code>ASSegmentedTab1.ItemTextProperties.TextFont = xui.CreateDefaultBoldFont(15)</code>
      • getSelectionPanel As B4XView
        gets the selection panel - the panel that highlight the selected tab
      • getSeperatorProperties As ASSegmentedTab_SeperatorProperties
      • getSeperatorsHeight As Float
      • Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String) As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Tests whether the object has been initialized.
      • SelectedIndex (index As Int, Duration As Int) As String
      • setAutoDecreaseTextSize (DecreaseTextSize As Boolean) As String
      • setCornerRadiusBackground (corner_radius As Float) As String
        changes the CornerRadius of the view
      • setCornerRadiusSelectionPanel (corner_radius As Float) As String
        changes the CornerRadius of the selector
      • setImageHeight (height As Float) As String
      • setIndex (Index As Int) As String
        get or sets the index - sets the index without animation
      • setPaddingSelectionPanel (padding As Float) As String
        set a distance from the corners for the selector
      • setShowSeperators (visible As Boolean) As String
      • UpdateSeperators As String
    • Properties:
      • AutoDecreaseTextSize As Boolean
        The text size is automatically adjusted to the space, if the text should not fit on one line.
      • BackgroundPanel As B4XView [read only]
        the child panel of mBase
      • Base As B4XView [read only]
      • CornerRadiusBackground
        changes the CornerRadius of the view
      • CornerRadiusSelectionPanel
        changes the CornerRadius of the selector
      • ImageHeight
      • Index As Int
        get or sets the index - sets the index without animation
      • ItemTextProperties As ASSegmentedTab_ItemTextProperties [read only]
        change the properties before you add atab, then this settings will be change the on the next added tab
        <code>ASSegmentedTab1.ItemTextProperties.TextFont = xui.CreateDefaultBoldFont(15)</code>
      • PaddingSelectionPanel
        set a distance from the corners for the selector
      • SelectionPanel As B4XView [read only]
        gets the selection panel - the panel that highlight the selected tab
      • SeperatorProperties As ASSegmentedTab_SeperatorProperties [read only]
      • SeperatorsHeight As Float [read only]
      • ShowSeperators
  • ASSegmentedTab_ItemTextProperties
    • Fields:
      • BackgroundColor As Int
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Tests whether the object has been initialized.
      • TextAlignment_Horizontal As String
      • TextAlignment_Vertical As String
      • TextColor As Int
      • TextFont As B4XFont
    • Functions:
      • Initialize
        Initializes the fields to their default value.
  • ASSegmentedTab_SeperatorProperties
    • Fields:
      • Color As Int
      • CornerRadius As Float
      • HeightPercentage As Int
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Tests whether the object has been initialized.
      • Width As Float
    • Functions:
      • Initialize
        Initializes the fields to their default value.
  • 1.00
    • Release
  • 1.01
    • BugFix the selected tab is now keeping if the view is resizing
  • 1.02
    • Adds getSelectionPanel - gets the selection panel - the panel that highlight a tab on click
      • this is now possible:
      • IMG_1881.jpg
      • IMG_1882.jpg
    • Adds getBackgroundPanel - the child panel of mBase
    • TabChanged is now only triggered on a new tab, if you click on the same tab, nothing happens
  • 1.03
    • Adds getItemTextProperties - change the properties before you add atab, then this settings will be change the on the next added tab
      • now you can add Material- or FontAwesome-Icons on the Text parameter
  • 1.04 (read more about this update)
    • B4A and B4J - Corner Radius Fix
    • Add DesignerProperty CornerRadiusBackground - changes the CornerRadius of the view
    • Add DesignerProperty CornerRadiusSelectionPanel - changes the CornerRadius of the selector
    • Add DesignerProperty PaddingSelectionPanel - set a distance from the corners for the selector
      • IMG_7426.jpg
  • 1.05 (read more about this update)
    • Add Seperators - displays seperator items between non selected tabs
      • Add Designer Property "ShowSeperators" - default: False
      • Add UpdateSeperators - commit style changes
      • Add get SeperatorProperties - change the properties and call UpdateSeperators
      • IMG_7732.jpg
  • 1.06 (read more about this update)
    • Performance Improvements
      • Seperators only added if ShowSeperators = True
        • If you set the ShowSeperators = False then the seperators will be removed and vice versa
    • Seperators - Add HeightPercentage - default:50% - 50% from the view height
      • ASSegmentedTab1.SeperatorProperties.HeightPercentage = 50
    • Seperators - Add CornerRadius - default:0 - set the corner radius of the seperators
      • ASSegmentedTab2.SeperatorProperties.CornerRadius = ASSegmentedTab2.SeperatorProperties.Width/2'round seperators
    • Add get SeperatorProperties - gets the seperators height
    • B4J and B4I Resize BugFixes
    • Add set ImageHeight - sets the image Height/Width
  • 1.07
    • BugFix - SelectedIndex the index was not set
    • Add set Index - change the index without animation, do the same as SelectedIndex(1,0)
  • 1.08
    • BugFix - get Index
  • 1.09
    • BugFix - The new index at getIndex was assigned only after the TabChanged event
  • 1.10
    • BugFix - SelectedIndex the PaddingSelectionPanel is now observed with
  • 1.11 (read more about this update)
    • Add get and set AutoDecreaseTextSize - The text size is automatically adjusted to the space, if the text should not fit on one line
  • 1.12
    • Add GetTab - Gets the tab text, icon and the text properties
    • Add RefreshTab - If you change something on the tab, then call this
  • 1.13
    • Add Designer Porperty TabBackgroundColor
    • Add Designer Porperty SelectionColor
    • Add Designer Porperty SeperatorColor
    • Add Designer Porperty TextColor
  • 1.14
    • Designer Properties are now converted into dip
  • 1.15 (read more)
    • Add AddTab2
    • Add GetValue
    • Add Value to Type ASSegmentedTab_Tab
  • 1.16
    • Add Designer Property SelectionTextColor
    • Add SelectionTextColor to Type ASSegmentedTab_ItemTextProperties
  • 1.17
    • BugFix
  • 1.18
    • Add get Size - Number of tabs
  • 1.19 (read more)
    • Add AddTabAdvanced - Add a tab with the ASSegmentedTab_Tab type
    • Add Width to the ASSegmentedTab_Tab type
      • It's a optional tab property
      • If 0, then the width of the tab is calculated automatically
      • Default: 0
  • 1.20
    • B4J BugFix
  • 1.21
    • AutoDecreaseTextSize BugFix
Have Fun :)


  • AS SegmentedTab Example.zip
    178.2 KB · Views: 908
  • 1.05 ASSegmentedTab.b4xlib
    3.6 KB · Views: 762
  • ASSegmentedTab.b4xlib
    6.6 KB · Views: 78
Last edited:

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
  • 1.02
    • Adds getSelectionPanel - gets the selection panel - the panel that highlight a tab on click
    • Adds getBackgroundPanel - the child panel of mBase
    • TabChanged is now only triggered on a new tab, if you click on the same tab, nothing happens
This is now possible:


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User

Thanks for the library.

Got the error :
java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: setClipToOutline not found in: anywheresoftware.b4a.BALayout


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
did you have selected JavaObject? This is needed
I think your example missing libraries needed.

I downloaded the example, take a look the screenshot, only 2 libraries selected.

After I selected JavaObject library, still raised the same error.


  • Tab.png
    142.2 KB · Views: 433

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
I think your example missing libraries needed.
Thats true, i have changed that. Download the B4XLib. again, thanks.

After I selected JavaObject library, still raised the same error.
I test it too without problems.
This is the code i use:
Dim jo As JavaObject = pnl
jo.RunMethod("setClipToOutline", Array(True))


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
The example file still not selected the libraries needed :)

I tried it on Jelly Bean, didn't work. But it worked on Android 7.👍 Thanks.


Is it possible to change the text size and color? E.g. Same size for the text (diferent from the default) and diferent text colors for the selected tab and the unselected tabs.

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
Is it possible to change the text size and color?
before you add an tab, you can change the style of it with this:
ASSegmentedTab2.ItemTextProperties.TextColor = xui.Color_White
E.g. Same size for the text (diferent from the default) and diferent text colors for the selected tab and the unselected tabs.
you can do it:
Sub ASSegmentedTab1_TabChanged(index As Int)
    Log("ASSegmentedTab1_TabChanged: " & index)
    For i = 0 To ASSegmentedTab2.BackgroundPanel.NumberOfViews -1
        Dim xpnl_tab_background As B4XView = ASSegmentedTab2.BackgroundPanel.GetView(i)
        Dim xlbl_text As B4XView = xpnl_tab_background.GetView(0) 'the text label
        Dim xiv_icon As B4XView = xpnl_tab_background.GetView(1) 'the icon ImageView
        If i = index Then 'selected tab
            xlbl_text.TextColor = xui.Color_White
            xlbl_text.Color = xui.Color_Black 'background color
            xlbl_text.Font = xui.CreateDefaultBoldFont(20)
        Else'unselected tabs
            xlbl_text.TextColor = xui.Color_Black
            xlbl_text.Color = xui.Color_White 'background color
            xlbl_text.Font = xui.CreateDefaultBoldFont(15)
        End If
End Sub


ASSegmentedTab2.ItemTextProperties.TextColor = xui.Color_White

When I try This, I have the following log:
Unknown member: itemtextproperties

The one available is:
But I have some dificults to implement it, since I don't master B4X yet.

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
I have the following log:
that's because i was already living in the future, i just seemed to have forgotten to do an update back then.


  • Adds getItemTextProperties - change the properties before you add atab, then this settings will be change the on the next added tab
    • now you can add Material- or FontAwesome-Icons on the Text parameter
adds 2 tabs with Material Icons:
ASSegmentedTab2.ItemTextProperties.TextFont = xui.CreateMaterialIcons(25)   

Is it possible to add scrollview or similar to assegmented tab so that for large no of tabs say 8-9 can be scrolled horizontally.
Currently if i increase the width say ASSegmentedTab1.Base.Width=550dip only initial tabs are visible

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    If FirstTime Then
        cartBitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "cart.png")
    End If
    ToolbarHelper.ShowUpIndicator = True 'set to true to show the up arrow
    ToolbarHelper.UpIndicatorDrawable = BitmapToBitmapDrawable(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "hamburger.png"))
    Dim offset As Int = 100dip
    sm.BehindOffset = offset
    sm.Mode = sm.LEFT
    Dim lftMenu As Panel
    sm.Menu.AddView(lftMenu, 0, 0, 100%x - offset, 100%y)
    For i = 1 To 30
        ListView1.AddSingleLine("Item " & i)
    ASSegmentedTab1.Base.SetColorAndBorder(xui.Color_Black,0,0,0) 'make the view rounded
    For i = 0 To 3 -1
        ASSegmentedTab1.AddTab("Test " & i,Null)
    'ASSegmentedTab1.SelectionPanel.SetColorAndBorder(ASSegmentedTab1.SelectionPanel.Color,0,0,ASSegmentedTab1.SelectionPanel.Height/10)'makes the selector round
End Sub

Is it possible to add scrollview or similar to assegmented tab so that for large no of tabs say 8-9 can be scrolled horizontally.
Currently if i increase the width say ASSegmentedTab1.Base.Width=550dip only initial tabs are visible

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    If FirstTime Then
        cartBitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "cart.png")
    End If
    ToolbarHelper.ShowUpIndicator = True 'set to true to show the up arrow
    ToolbarHelper.UpIndicatorDrawable = BitmapToBitmapDrawable(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "hamburger.png"))
    Dim offset As Int = 100dip
    sm.BehindOffset = offset
    sm.Mode = sm.LEFT
    Dim lftMenu As Panel
    sm.Menu.AddView(lftMenu, 0, 0, 100%x - offset, 100%y)
    For i = 1 To 30
        ListView1.AddSingleLine("Item " & i)
    ASSegmentedTab1.Base.SetColorAndBorder(xui.Color_Black,0,0,0) 'make the view rounded
    For i = 0 To 3 -1
        ASSegmentedTab1.AddTab("Test " & i,Null)
    'ASSegmentedTab1.SelectionPanel.SetColorAndBorder(ASSegmentedTab1.SelectionPanel.Color,0,0,ASSegmentedTab1.SelectionPanel.Height/10)'makes the selector round
End Sub
Can someone please help me out to make it scrollable horizontally to make all tabs available

Try this example.
Thanks a lot Alexander

I have gone through your code and it works perfectly with scrolling. Your code is with B4xpages, since i am a new to B4a it is very difficult for me to replicate since my code don't used B4xpage. I have taken Appcompact example and added AS Sengmentedtab in it and trying to make it scrollable.

I have attached my project , i will be much more thankful to you if you go through it and suggest or make it scrollable,




  • AppCompat_with ASsegmentedTab.zip
    140.5 KB · Views: 393