B4XCode Sharing Sources Purchased #My2Cents


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Longtime User
Hi there

Like everyone else who purchased source code from B4XCode and now has a misfortune of not being able to access it. Perhaps we should...

1. Have a link here in the forum of how we can share the source code that is purchased.
2. Perhaps Erel should indicate here in the forum that people should not purchase until he has been personally informed about availability of the links and or otherwise. I think this will protect everyone who might have purchased and it not able to get the source. I understand it might not be Erels responsibility to do so, but for the protection of the forum perhaps a word from him could suffice. Some people dont know what has happened to the company and might be vulnerable to purchases that they wont get.
3. Has anyone heard anything about B4XCode lately?
4. I commend Aeric's for releasing explainer documentation on how to use and configure the packs.
5. How can we as end users protect ourselves from such misfortunes?
6. What is a way forward?

To be honest I have no idea how we can do this and just pushing ideas.

1. I need the source code for their chat bot and have proof of purchase.



Licensed User
Bought their SIP source code. No news from them since a while.
About the other question, by experience I avoid buying something around but not being provided by the editor. I already had such troubles even with plugins with other IDEs and that's always the same scheme : promises of big results, bugs not fixed, dev unreachable...
Hope someone can provide you the source you lost


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My 2 penneth for what it's worth, The forum is exactly that, a forum and not a shop. It is not easy to ensure that posts people have made in the past are still valid, reflect the latest 'best practice' or even still work. Even for the original poster who may not be using the code anymore. Any source code provided for free therefore cannot have an absolute guarantee that it will still work. From what I have seen, most posters when alerted to the fact there is a problem with something they have posted in the past will try to resolve the issue wherever possible, if they are still active on the forum.

Even so, if you are going to rely on a library or source code provided for free, and in the case of source code, you don't have the skill to or interest in understanding how it works and maintaining it yourself, then it would make sense to contact the author and ask if it will still be supported if a problem arises.

Source code for sale is a slightly different case to my mind. Charging someone for anything implies some kind of warranty, which may be limited to the fact that it worked with the version of Java / Android OS/ IOS that it was created on.

It would make sense to me that before you part with money for something, you make sure that the vendor is still active on the forum and check that any reported issues have been resolved satisfactorily. This is something I do regularly when purchasing software from any website, it's all to easy to think that something looks good and it's only x pounds, and make an impulse buy, only to find out that it is out of date, or not working on the latest OS or worse it is just an out and out scam, not that I am suggesting anyone on the forum would do that.

Just be diligent, and if you are unsure, contact the vendor and ask. If you can't contact them, avoid it.

This is all easy in hindsight and if you've bought something and can't get delivery it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. As a last resort, if you paid using paypal or similar, you may be able to ask them to help resolve the issue or get your money back.
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Longtime User
this has been discussed on the chat aswell by a few users.

to me it's not 100% sure if this is a scam or not (maybe temp. bored from al the feature requests?) but...

as usual with scams is the first thing they do is create some trust in this case by spreading goodlooking photoshop work and half working sources/videos.
Maybe even creating fake accounts to post positive reactions as there were some weird ones of people I've never seen before.

I also found out that his domain name was about to expire so it seems to be bought for 1 year only and not extended (on purpose?).

Too bad for the victims but there's not much you or Erel can do about this. Maybe a sticky stating that offers are not related to Anywhere Software and might be a risk.
The market place has got its goods points aswell for a lot of people with people who played it fair.
But as always when some smell money...

An idea might be to bundle the source versions and make something working out of it and then give it to those who purchased it.

Question is ofcourse...

who will spend his time on this?
How are the sources build? as compiled libs or still being a valid editable class?
How much % of the promised work has been done?

I'm willing to help where I can but don't expect me to spend days on it because half of it is missing.


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Longtime User
I've removed the purchase links that I found.
Thank you so much @Erel .

An idea might be to bundle the source versions and make something working out of it and then give it to those who purchased it.
From the packs I bought and received, these came as self containing packs which in most cases worked out of the box, instructions on how to run came included. (Speaking for myself)

The reason I don't have the pack I need is because I bought and "parked" stuff for later, thus this post. It would be awesome if someone who has similar perhaps could help when I provide a proof of purchase.

4. I commend Aeric's for releasing explainer documentation on how to use and configure the packs.

There are people here in the forum who are helping others make the packages run and of course I wouldn't know the scale of how many people have been affected by the "black-out".

I'm willing to help
Thanks @sorex

What I have and what I need?

These are the projects I have procured from B4XCode should anyone who has bought these and have not been able to download them.
This is not a transfer of ownership but a helping hand to anyone who spent their money and were not able to get the downloads.

This is what I have and can provide for anyone with proof of purchase. AS A HELPING HAND.


If anyone needs and have a proof of purchase, I will gladly help provide a download link.

What I need is the chat bot code, here is my proof of purchase:


In faith.


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Longtime User

i understand your frustration guys but let's not forget that we don't really know what happened to @B4XCode. besides that, we also need to take into account that when someone here purchases a project he should not expect that that project is a finished product.

I do agree that it should work and should do what the description said but we all here are developers so, in the end, we are the ones that should finish our product and not expect to buy something for a very small amount that is the next 1 million $ exit.

so let's move on :)