Hi there
Like everyone else who purchased source code from B4XCode and now has a misfortune of not being able to access it. Perhaps we should...
1. Have a link here in the forum of how we can share the source code that is purchased.
2. Perhaps Erel should indicate here in the forum that people should not purchase until he has been personally informed about availability of the links and or otherwise. I think this will protect everyone who might have purchased and it not able to get the source. I understand it might not be Erels responsibility to do so, but for the protection of the forum perhaps a word from him could suffice. Some people dont know what has happened to the company and might be vulnerable to purchases that they wont get.
3. Has anyone heard anything about B4XCode lately?
4. I commend Aeric's for releasing explainer documentation on how to use and configure the packs.
5. How can we as end users protect ourselves from such misfortunes?
6. What is a way forward?
To be honest I have no idea how we can do this and just pushing ideas.
1. I need the source code for their chat bot and have proof of purchase.
Like everyone else who purchased source code from B4XCode and now has a misfortune of not being able to access it. Perhaps we should...
1. Have a link here in the forum of how we can share the source code that is purchased.
2. Perhaps Erel should indicate here in the forum that people should not purchase until he has been personally informed about availability of the links and or otherwise. I think this will protect everyone who might have purchased and it not able to get the source. I understand it might not be Erels responsibility to do so, but for the protection of the forum perhaps a word from him could suffice. Some people dont know what has happened to the company and might be vulnerable to purchases that they wont get.
3. Has anyone heard anything about B4XCode lately?
4. I commend Aeric's for releasing explainer documentation on how to use and configure the packs.
5. How can we as end users protect ourselves from such misfortunes?
6. What is a way forward?
To be honest I have no idea how we can do this and just pushing ideas.
1. I need the source code for their chat bot and have proof of purchase.