This is an update to this code to use the native ads with the new lib FirebaseAdmob2 and new Mobile SDK (20).
Thanks to @Erel for the help in the related threads in Android Questions.
Whenever possible, create an Native Ad to diplays video, because it has a better revenue than an ad with only image.
More information about Native Ads:
To use it in a non b4xpages app, check the old code and made a few changes.
Feel free to make any changes that you want and share with us.
Will be nice too if someone port the code to use with the AdsHelper class.
Thanks to @Erel for the help in the related threads in Android Questions.
Whenever possible, create an Native Ad to diplays video, because it has a better revenue than an ad with only image.
More information about Native Ads:
Google AdMob Native Ads Playbook - Google AdMob
Native ads allow you to customize the ads that appear in your app. Learn the best practices and why you should be using native ads for your app.
Native ads using native advanced - Google AdMob Help
Guidelines for native ads that use Android or iOS app codeNative ads can be used to serve ads that complement the content and look of your app. All AdMob native ads must adhere to the guidelines desc
To use it in a non b4xpages app, check the old code and made a few changes.
Feel free to make any changes that you want and share with us.
Will be nice too if someone port the code to use with the AdsHelper class.