Android Question B4XPages, with Splash Screen in Immersive Mode... Transition from Main to Activity2 not smooth


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Longtime User
Hi guys and gals,

So, I took the B4XPages Splash screen example, and added in immersive mode... all works fine except of, what I think is, the transition between the Main Activity and Activity2, where the B4XPAges gets actually implemented...
Made a small video for you to see what I'm talking about...

The issue occurs right after the center image fades out, you can see a kind of "flash" when the main closes and Activity2 starts

I've tried everything I could think of...


Licensed User
Longtime User
Can you upload your project (or sample)? Does changing the animation speed of the second screen to 0 help?
Hi John, thanks for replying,

Indeed, I have tried everything I could think of, including a few threads I found on the forum.
This seems to be a "persistent" issue, that seems hard to eliminate completely...
I have since changed my strategy, and went with a immersive basic B4XPages, and the effect is greatly reduced, but still visible.
This effect is almost invisible if I use the default background color, for any of the activity/panel that holds the pages... but becomes visible wen I use different colors
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Longtime User
So, further investigation, and a change of direction, I am now forced to "close" this thread, and I will be creating another one, this time concerning the "forced" animation when a layout is loaded.
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