Background running application


Hello experts and senior members.
Could u please share your idea on how to make an application which runs on the background?

When running, even with the task manager in the PPC, you cannot see whether it is running or not.

Target of the application is to send the latitude or longitude via sms:
1. when the built-in GPS in PPC detects ground speed exceeds some value.
2. when the PPC receives sms with certain text from certain sender

Some kind of spy-program.


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Longtime User
In ppc apps, if a form is not shown by the end of app_start sub then the ap closes....

I have planned a similar app, but never got to code it, but you could make it as a ghost app with a splash screen, that after showing it self, got sent to background by hiiding it....

If shuch app was palced in the startup folder, then it would be launched every time the device was turned on (not awaken, for that you need to use a lib to detect external events)...


Licensed User
Longtime User
Great addition!!!!:sign0188:


Thanks again for the updated library.

Before the new hardware library updated, I used FormLib.
Initially I set flb.New1("Form1",B4PObject(1))
Then, after runtime, I add flb.MinimizeBox = True
With this one, you will not see the running program even in the task manager.
You cannot terminate this program. Only by restarting your PPC, the program can be stopped.

Dual-Core 2.0Ghz, 2GB RAM, 120GB HD
DOPOD D810, 2GB miniSD
DOPOD U1000, 4GB miniSD, 8GB HD
DOPOD C730, 2GB microSD