B4J Question [BANano] File map


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Hi to all
I proceed with the tests, but just to learn and try something different, I have never seriously developed webapplication (the time available is always short)
The function File it's not used by BANano, then for write and read a file map (in Dir.App or other path) how can i proceed?
I don't know if you need to transform it into json format and write/read it with inlinephp.....:rolleyes:
Some simple examples, thanks.


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Maybe this can help: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...thout-uploading-to-the-server.117268/#content

File, as it is known in B4X, will never be available in BANano, as Web Browsers do not have access to the local disk without user intervention (a very good thing!)
Ok clear enough, thanks.
but I don't have to choose the file with fileExplorer, I already know the path, so I have to access it directly
but I don't know how to provide the path to BANano
File "settings.cfg" in BANano.ASSETS_FOLDER
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It does not help to know the path if you are not able to access that file from javascript.
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It does not help to know the path if you are not able to access that file from javascript.
This is correct. As I said, without user interaction, a web brower/javascript is not allowed to access anything on your local hard disk. This is browser build-in security so no one can access your private files.
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Thanks to all
so it seems to go, returns the promise object with the file data
Log(BANano.GetFileAsText($"${BANano.ASSETS_FOLDER}/settings.cfg"$, Null, "UTF8"))
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