I'm trying to create a simple multiple-page PWA test app. The code from @alwaysbusy works:
But I need the nice layout of the default PWA app (the one you get after you select BANano PWA project type). Therefore I started with the default PWA project, added two pages containing a textbox and a button. I'm able to jump between the two pages using the sidebar menu, but TextBox_Changed and button_Clicked event were not fired.
The entire project is too large (more than 3M due to the image files) to be attached here, so for Files folder I include only page1 and page2 layout files in the attached zip file
Could somone tell me what I did wrong, please?
[BANano] multiple 'pages' without using router
I'm trying to figure out how to have multiple 'pages' like B4xPages or B4A activities without using BANano Router. The "B4X Getting Started Guide has instructions for Router with a comment "I personally do not use this in my PWA's. B4J has already so much organization of your code build-in with...

But I need the nice layout of the default PWA app (the one you get after you select BANano PWA project type). Therefore I started with the default PWA project, added two pages containing a textbox and a button. I'm able to jump between the two pages using the sidebar menu, but TextBox_Changed and button_Clicked event were not fired.
The entire project is too large (more than 3M due to the image files) to be attached here, so for Files folder I include only page1 and page2 layout files in the attached zip file
Could somone tell me what I did wrong, please?
Main page content:
#Region Project Attributes
#MainFormWidth: 600
#MainFormHeight: 600
#IgnoreWarnings: 16, 10, 14, 15
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Private BANano As BANano 'ignore
' your logical pages
Dim myPage1 As page1
Dim myPage2 As page2
' from the MainLayout
Private MainHamburgerMenu As SKLabel 'ignore
Private MainSidebar As SKSidebar 'ignore
Private MainPageHolder As SKContainer 'ignore
' from the WelcomeModalLayout
Private WelcomeModal As SKModal 'ignore
Private WelcomeModalMessage As SKLabel 'ignore
' from the WelcomePageLayout
Private WelcomePageName As SKTextBox 'ignore
Private WelcomePageButton As SKButton 'ignore
' from the MenuLayout
Private MenuList As SKMenu 'ignore
' some media queries for our responsive menu
Private Bigger992px As BANanoMediaQuery
Private Smaller992px As BANanoMediaQuery
' Public SQL As BANanoSQL
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
' With this little snippet, the new B4J 9.30 logs with jump are activated
#if Debug
' MUST be literally this line if you want to use the B4J Logs jump to code feature!
#End if
' some general settings like the name of your PWA
BANano.Initialize("BANano", "defaultpwa",DateTime.Now)
BANano.Header.Title="BANano Skeleton"
' DateTime.Now is to make sure our app is reloaded on ReBuild
BANano.JAVASCRIPT_NAME = "app" & DateTime.Now & ".js"
' a PWA must have a service worker. Will be build automatically caching everything used in your Web App
BANano.SERVICEWORKER_NAME = "service-worker.js"
' some directives for the Tranpiler
BANano.TranspilerOptions.MergeAllCSSFiles = True
BANano.TranspilerOptions.MergeAllJavascriptFiles = True
BANano.TranspilerOptions.RemoveDeadCode = True
BANano.TranspilerOptions.ShowWarningDeadCode = True
BANano.TranspilerOptions.EnableLiveCodeSwapping = True
' this line makes sure our Web App becomes a PWA
#if Release
BANano.TranspilerOptions.UseServiceWorkerWithUpdateMessage(True, "#26AE60", "Update available", "Click here to update the app to the latest version")
#end if
' optional: if your WebApp is not in the root
' BANano.TranspilerOptions.SetPWAStartUrl("myPWA/index.html")
BANano.Header.BackgroundColor = "#1e1e1e"
' additonal JavaScript and CSS files we want to include
' BANano.Header.AddJavascriptFile("jsstore.min.js")
' settings needed for the PWA app icons, splash screens, etc…
BANano.Header.AddMSTileIcon("mstile-150x150.png", "150x150")
BANano.Header.MSTileColor = "#ffc40d"
BANano.Header.AddManifestIcon("android-chrome-192x192.png", "192x192")
BANano.Header.AddManifestIcon("android-chrome-512x512.png", "512x512")
BANano.Header.SetAndroidMaskIcon("maskable_icon.png", "731x731")
BANano.Header.MaskIconColor = "#1e1e1e"
BANano.Header.AddAppleTouchIcon("apple-touch-icon.png", "")
BANano.Header.AddAppleTouchStartupImage("iphone5_splash.png", "320px", "568px", "2")
BANano.Header.AddAppleTouchStartupImage("iphone6_splash.png", "375px", "667px", "2")
BANano.Header.AddAppleTouchStartupImage("iphoneplus_splash.png", "621px", "1104px", "3")
BANano.Header.AddAppleTouchStartupImage("iphonex_splash.png", "375px", "812px", "3")
BANano.Header.AddAppleTouchStartupImage("iphonexr_splash.png", "414px", "896px", "2")
BANano.Header.AddAppleTouchStartupImage("iphonexsmax_splash.png", "414px", "896px", "3")
BANano.Header.AddAppleTouchStartupImage("ipad_splash.png", "768px", "1024px", "2")
BANano.Header.AddAppleTouchStartupImage("ipadpro1_splash.png", "834px", "1112px", "2")
BANano.Header.AddAppleTouchStartupImage("ipadpro2_splash.png", "834px", "1194px", "2")
BANano.Header.AddAppleTouchStartupImage("ipadpro3_splash.png", "1024px", "1366px", "2")
BANano.Header.AddFavicon("favicon-16x16.png", "16x16")
BANano.Header.AddFavicon("favicon-32x32.png", "32x32")
' write the theme
' start the actual build
' stop running. We do not need the .jar file running anymore
' in release mode
#if Release
#End if
End Sub
'Return true to allow the default exceptions handler to handle the uncaught exception.
Sub Application_Error (Error As Exception, StackTrace As String) As Boolean
Return True
End Sub
Sub BANano_Ready()
' Initialize your local browser database
' SQL.OpenWait("SQL", "MyDB")
' SQL.ExecuteWait("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tTable (tblid INT, tblcode STRING, tbldesc STRING)", Null)
' initialize your pages
' get the body tag
Private body As BANanoElement
' append and load our main layout
body.Append($"<div id="mainHolder"></div>"$).Get("#mainHolder").LoadLayout("MainLayout")
' append and load a modal sheet
body.Append($"<div id="modalHolder"></div>"$).Get("#modalHolder").LoadLayout("WelcomeModalLayout")
' loading our menu in our sidebar
' making the menu layout responsive: always open when screen size is bigger than 992px
Bigger992px.Initialize("(min-width: 992px)")
Smaller992px.Initialize("(max-width: 991px)")
' add our menu items
MenuList.AddMenuItem("", "page1", "fas fa-user", "{NBSP}{NBSP}page 1")
MenuList.AddMenuItem("", "page2", "fas fa-user", "{NBSP}{NBSP}page 2")
' load our first page
End Sub
Sub Bigger992px_Matched()
MainSidebar.AlwaysOpen = True
' and hide the hamburger button
MainHamburgerMenu.Element.SetStyle($"{"visibility": "hidden"}"$)
End Sub
Sub Smaller992px_Matched()
MainSidebar.AlwaysOpen = False
' and show the hamburger button
MainHamburgerMenu.Element.SetStyle($"{"visibility": "unset"}"$)
End Sub
Sub WelcomePageButton_Click (event As BANanoEvent)
If WelcomePageName.Text = "" Then
SKTools.ShowToast("Please enter your name!", "info", 3000, True)
End If
WelcomeModalMessage.Text = "Welcome " & WelcomePageName.Text
End Sub
Sub MenuList_Click (returnName As String)
SKTools.ShowToast("Clicked on " & returnName & "!", "info", 3000, True)
' here we can load the layout of the menu item we clicked
Select Case returnName
Case "page1"
Case "page2"
End Select
' and close the menu, if not always open
If MainSidebar.AlwaysOpen = False Then
End If
End Sub
Sub MainHamburgerMenu_Click (event As BANanoEvent)
End Sub
page 1 content; page2 is almost identical:
Sub Class_Globals
Dim BANano As BANano 'ignore
Public SKButton1 As SKButton
Public SKTextBox1 As SKTextBox
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
Private Sub SKButton1_Click (event As BANanoEvent)
SKTools.ShowToast("page1.SKButton1_Click", "info", 3000, True)
End Sub
Private Sub SKTextBox1_Change (event As BANanoEvent)
If SKTextBox1.Text = "" Then
SKTools.ShowToast("Please enter something!", "info", 3000, True)
End If
SKTools.ShowToast("You've entered: " & SKTextBox1.Text, "info", 3000, True)
End Sub