I have created a core library and some extensions in separate libraries. On the Libraries listing these appear as follows:
NB: AddCssFile and AddJavaScriptFile are ONLY called in the libraries and not in my project referencing these libraries.
Whilst my project works and is not broken yet, its not following the recommended sequence of resources because the css and js files are added in a wrong sequence. How can I change this? This is clearly seen in this example..
Above here, I need to have the starting css file to always be
And everything should be added after that as that is the first resource in the BANAnoVuetifyCode library. The library before it does not have css and js files.
Looking at the js resources also shows the same.
The starting resource SHOULD always be:
And all others added after that as that is the first resource in the BANAnoVuetifyCode library. Yes the other libraries do reference BANanoVuetifyCore.
Do I have to execute AddCSS... and AddJavaScript... also in my project referencing these libraries?
I have created a core library and some extensions in separate libraries. On the Libraries listing these appear as follows:
NB: AddCssFile and AddJavaScriptFile are ONLY called in the libraries and not in my project referencing these libraries.
Whilst my project works and is not broken yet, its not following the recommended sequence of resources because the css and js files are added in a wrong sequence. How can I change this? This is clearly seen in this example..
Merging CSS files...
CSS files are merged in the order you added them
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\styles\info-box.min.css
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\styles\helpers.min.css
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\styles\roboto.min.css
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\styles\materialfont.min.css
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\styles\materialdesignicons.min.css
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\styles\vuetify.min.css
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\styles\prism.min.css
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\styles\devices.min.css
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\styles\quill.bubble.css
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\styles\quill.snow.css
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\styles\vue2-editor.css
Above here, I need to have the starting css file to always be
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\styles\roboto.min.css
And everything should be added after that as that is the first resource in the BANAnoVuetifyCode library. The library before it does not have css and js files.
Looking at the js resources also shows the same.
Merging Javascript files...
-> JS files are merged in the order you added them.
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\vue-count-to.min.js
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\vue.min.js
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\vuetify.min.js
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\vue-router.min.js
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\fileSaver.min.js
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\jszip.min.js
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\prism.min.js
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\vue-prism-component.min.js
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\beautify.min.js
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\beautify-css.min.js
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\beautify-html.min.js
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\renderstring.min.js
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\quill.min.js
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\vue2-editor.umd.js
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\alasql.min.js
The starting resource SHOULD always be:
--> C:\laragon\www\bvmdesigner\scripts\vue.min.js
And all others added after that as that is the first resource in the BANAnoVuetifyCode library. Yes the other libraries do reference BANanoVuetifyCore.
Do I have to execute AddCSS... and AddJavaScript... also in my project referencing these libraries?