BANano 2.19+ has a new object: BANanoPromise. It allows you to easily use Javascript Promises.
A promise can be useful e.g. if you want to upload/download files, which can take some time to do. It is comparable with B4Js Wait For.
This is probably the easiest to understand explanation of a Promise I could find on the interweb:
A Promise in short:
"Imagine you are a kid. Your mom promises you that she'll get you a new phone next week."
You don't know if you will get that phone until next week. Your mom can either really buy you a brand new phone, or stand you up and withhold the phone if she is not happy
That is a promise. A promise has 3 states. They are:
It is a very good read if you are new to Promises.
The source code of this tutorial, with comments, can be found in the zip (the Promises folder).
So for example letting the user upload files would look like this:
Methods called using Promise.CallSub (+all methods called in it and further on) do not use the normal Return! Instead, one can use one of these two methods:
Promises can be chained. For example in the demo, once we have all the upload files, we do a http request to get some json:
Such a chained promise.Then() can be a promise in itself:
The demo has documented almost every line, so check it out. What it does:
1. Allows the user to upload some files
2. When all downloads are finished, make a http request to download some json
Note: for the full effect of the demo, use a real Web server (or use the Chrome Web server plugin). If you just open the html file from disk, you'll get something like this:
In case it runs on a Web server, the json is returned:
A promise can be useful e.g. if you want to upload/download files, which can take some time to do. It is comparable with B4Js Wait For.
This is probably the easiest to understand explanation of a Promise I could find on the interweb:
A Promise in short:
"Imagine you are a kid. Your mom promises you that she'll get you a new phone next week."
You don't know if you will get that phone until next week. Your mom can either really buy you a brand new phone, or stand you up and withhold the phone if she is not happy
That is a promise. A promise has 3 states. They are:
- Pending: You don't know if you will get that phone
- Fulfilled: Mom is happy, she buys you a brand new phone
- Rejected: Your mom is happy, she withholds the phone
It is a very good read if you are new to Promises.
The source code of this tutorial, with comments, can be found in the zip (the Promises folder).
' the promise itself
Dim promise As BANanoPromise
' the results from the promise
Dim Result As Map
Dim Error As String
' call a method
promise.CallSub(Module, "MethodName", Array(Param1, Param2, ...))
' if success
' or in case you use Wait or Sleep methods in the success branch
' if an error
' or in case you use Wait or Sleep methods in the error branch
' closing a promise
So for example letting the user upload files would look like this:
' get all the files selected from the input #fu
Dim UploadedFiles() As String = BANano.GetElement("#fu").GetField("files").Result
' make a promise that will show "Done" if ALL file all uploaded
Dim promise As BANanoPromise
' the results from the promise
Dim Result As Map
Dim Error As String
' call the UploadAll method
promise.CallSub(Me, "UploadAllFiles", Array(UploadedFiles))
' when it is done, we can use whatever the UploadAll has returned in its BANano.ReturnThen call
' let's show all our urls
For i = 0 To Result.Size - 1
Log(Result.GetKeyAt(i) & "=" & Result.GetValueAt(i))
Log("Error: " & Error)
Methods called using Promise.CallSub (+all methods called in it and further on) do not use the normal Return! Instead, one can use one of these two methods:
' returns to the above promise.Then (or .promise.ThenWait)
' returns to the above promise.Else (or .primise.ElseWait)
Promises can be chained. For example in the demo, once we have all the upload files, we do a http request to get some json:
' make a promise that will show "Done" if ALL file all uploaded
Dim promise As BANanoPromise
' the results from the promise
Dim Result As Map
Dim Error As String
' call the UploadAll method
promise.CallSub(Me, "UploadAllFiles", Array(UploadedFiles))
' when it is done, we can use whatever the UploadAll has returned in its BANano.ReturnThen call
' we use the ThenWait here because we use ...Wait functions or in this case a Sleep
Log("Done, going to sleep for 2 seconds just to demonstrate ThenWait()...")
Log("Printing result after 2 seconds")
' let's show all our urls
For i = 0 To Result.Size - 1
Log(Result.GetKeyAt(i) & "=" & Result.GetValueAt(i))
' now how about next we make a HTTP request after we got all files
Log("Error: " & Error)
Such a chained promise.Then() can be a promise in itself:
public Sub DoHTTP(Url As String) As String 'ignore
' again we make a new promise
Dim promise As BANanoPromise
' some vars to hold our results
Dim Error As String
Dim json As String
' call the http request
promise.CallSub(Me, "DoHTTPForUrl", Array(Url))
' we got it!
Dim jsonElem As BANanoElement = BANano.GetElement("#json")
' whoops, something happened...
Dim jsonElem As BANanoElement = BANano.GetElement("#json")
End Sub
The demo has documented almost every line, so check it out. What it does:
1. Allows the user to upload some files
2. When all downloads are finished, make a http request to download some json
Note: for the full effect of the demo, use a real Web server (or use the Chrome Web server plugin). If you just open the html file from disk, you'll get something like this:

In case it runs on a Web server, the json is returned:

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