Let's Play
I've been curious about TailWindCSS and today after finding a couple of hours that I could spare, decided to start on exploring this. At the moment I'm not really sure how I feel about it as I'm trying to find my place. I haven't learned the meaning of any of the classes (its very much dependent on classes), but after seeing some correlation here and there, I did manage to establish some ease of use structure.
Well its rather a very interesting piece of work. I hear they are developing UI components that they will sell.
As usual, Creative Tim has some nice things they have done already. So I based my exploration there.
I'm not really sure I will take this further though as I like playing around and exploring things. My first feeling is that having to use classes is rather an over-kill at the moment (see the pdIndex source code why I say this). Perhaps will have to see when they have the UI version running and perhaps easier to acquire, like an open-source version etc.
BTW, Thanks to Alain for BANano to be flexible enough to allow anyone to create and explore anything they wish!
Let's Play
I've been curious about TailWindCSS and today after finding a couple of hours that I could spare, decided to start on exploring this. At the moment I'm not really sure how I feel about it as I'm trying to find my place. I haven't learned the meaning of any of the classes (its very much dependent on classes), but after seeing some correlation here and there, I did manage to establish some ease of use structure.
Well its rather a very interesting piece of work. I hear they are developing UI components that they will sell.
As usual, Creative Tim has some nice things they have done already. So I based my exploration there.
I'm not really sure I will take this further though as I like playing around and exploring things. My first feeling is that having to use classes is rather an over-kill at the moment (see the pdIndex source code why I say this). Perhaps will have to see when they have the UI version running and perhaps easier to acquire, like an open-source version etc.
BTW, Thanks to Alain for BANano to be flexible enough to allow anyone to create and explore anything they wish!