Android Question Basic 4 Tizen


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Hi Erel,

Just wondering if you are planning to create a Basic 4 Tizen ?

Been told Samsung are going to head to this platform and doing so I guess other manufactures are going to head this way one day as well.

Do you plan to create a Basic4Tizen in the future and do you think this platform is going to be successful like Android ?


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Samsung will licence their (Tizen) OS to other MFG's? - when they already own the marketplace for devices?
That's akin to KFC giving away the (secret) 11 different herbs and spices recipe to all fried chicken vendors...

I think if Samsung were REALLY smart (and are truly committed to this venture), they should pay Erel 1B to create and dev platform that would attract the masses to ensure they could keep going - beyond Android...

Until such time - it amounts to 2 big boys in a pissing contest - seeing who can squirt the furthest...

Must be nice to have so much cash to play and taunt with...
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