Basic4Android App Uploaded to Market


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Longtime User
Hello All,
Just a note to say my Android apk Portals was published on Android Market.

I used Basic4Android to create this little game app and it works on my Android G1 Developers Model and on my Droid X2 .

You can see some screenshots at Portals Published to Android Market |

Portals is a location based GPS game that can be played anywhere. The action takes place in the virtual Needham, Ma. townsquare. If you are a geocacher there is a real logbook to sign and a secret codeword but that's not necessary to play the anywhere game. Play anywhere allows unlimited gameplay while you figure out how to play the game. There is a topten players score screen so you can see how you are doing compared to the other players. Geocachers and others can journey to Needham and play on the actual town common. Scoring is detemined by starting out with 13000 points, as the game time increases the score decreases, and when you complete a task the score increases. As you play, your strategy may change to be more efficient. The final game panel allows you to enter a team name, the codeword("Virtual" if playing anywhere), and a few lines of comment.

Best Tom B