Basic4ppc has stopped working error


Licensed User

I installed a new hardrive on my laptop and I now get the "Basic4ppc has stopped working" error whenever I run my program. Not sure what I am missing when I reinstall Basic4ppc.




Licensed User
Hi Erel,

The error only seems to occur with programs that I have written, not with any samples or downloaded examples. Even if my programs are in the same folder with the other software, I still get the error.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice.



Licensed User

I don't think the error is in my code because it all worked on my old harddrive. Something must be different in my setup of Vista or Basic4ppc on the new harddrive.



Licensed User
Longtime User
"Basic4ppc has stopped working" error whenever I run my program.
What do you mean by "run my program"? As source in the desktop and/or device IDE? As an exe optimised or legacy compiled by your previous installation? As an exe optimised or legacy compiled by your new installation? Which of these do work, if any? We really need more detail to even guess what might be wrong.


Licensed User
Sorry for the confusion.

I am writing programs on my laptop (desktop IDE) using Vers 6.50. I plan to transfer the programs to my pda. My code is under construction, but worked fine on my old harddrive with Vista. I would click the RUN icon from the desktop IDE and the program would execute.

After installing my new drive with Vista on it, when I click RUN from the desktop IDE I get the "Basic4ppc has stopped working" error (Vista error).

Since the code worked before, there must be something in my Vista setup that is different, but I am not sure where to start looking.

This applies to any program that I wrote on my old drive that I copied to my new harddrive.

Neither my old Vista installation or my new installation has the UAC active.

I have run Vista SFC and all is well.

Any help would be appreciated!




Licensed User
Longtime User
This applies to any program that I wrote on my old drive that I copied to my new harddrive.
Does this apply to ALL the programs you wrote before? What about new programs? What happens with an empty app such as

Sub Globals
   'Declare the global variables here.
End Sub

Sub App_Start
End Sub


Licensed User

Yes, this error occurs on All of my programs that I copied to my new drive. No, the code you sent does NOT generate the error.

I used forms, modules, and editable table in my programs.



Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes, this error occurs on All of my programs that I copied to my new drive. No, the code you sent does NOT generate the error.
Does more complicated code that is freshly written on your new system run? Add a Form to the code and Show it. Does it work now? Add some controls, then event code etc. and see how it goes.

How did you copy the old programs to the new drive? If you want to post one of your old programs that doesn't run I can see if I can run it on my Vista system.

Also you could try loading the simplest program (in terms of number of forms and controls) that doesn't run into the IDE. Select the source and copy it to the clipboard. Do a File->New and paste the source back. Rebuild the Forms(s) and controls in the Designer and see if it works then. If so open the two sources, old and new, in WordPad and see if there are any differences in the first part of the file before the Globals Sub is declared. Then report back.


Licensed User
Simple new programs work OK. If I add a table to a form, however, I get the Windows error "Basic4ppc has stopped working" error.

Programs were copied by cutting and pasting to portable drive then to the new drive from the portable drive.

I am not sure what all the codes mean in the at the beginning mean. I can't get one of my copied programs to work, so I can't compare.

It still seems that I must have something configured differently on this Vista install versus my old Vista. Things worked fine there, but not here.

I downloaded Basic4ppc again and reinstalled, same error.



Licensed User

The code will compile OK, but I get the same error when the exe file is executed.

Running as an administrator did not solve the problem.

I am going to try a repair install of Vista to see if that helps.



Licensed User
I ran the repair Vista option and it errored out with a corrupt registry error. Not sure how that happened, but it is new install with no restore points, so I guess I will have to do another clean install. Ouch!

Thanks to all for your efforts!
